Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I had written a pretty long post about happenings on my street - AND BLOGGER TOTALLY ATE MY POST. Okay, I feel better. So now for the not so long post about my street:

We live on a great street, tons of kids, friendly neighbors, etc. Lately thought, the "activities" seem to be getting a little out of hand.

First it's a playgroup that has been set up for all the kids that will go to kindergarten in 2008 with Ashley. There are about 15 kids on our street that fit that age. We meet one Saturday a month (basically because I bitched that I worked full time and can't make it during the week) and one Monday a month. I am actually hosting it this Saturday.

Then it was Halloween. One Mom on our street decided we should do Halloween parade. Great, good idea, I actually did the flyer for it and passed it around to make sure we didn't miss anyone. Well, the parade has turned into a parade with cupcakes, pizza and prizes at the end.

And now we are onto Christmas. Last week we get an email from one of the Mom's saying she rented the clubhouse and selected a caterer for a Christmas party. Then the emails started flying about crafts to do, someone to be Santa, etc.

So my take on all this (as well as my one neighbor I hang out with the most) - some of the Mom's on the street are in competition with each other to plan all these events. As soon as one thing is planned, another email comes out with something else. It is just comical at this point. We love all the stuff going on, but sometimes you just don't want to be friendly with EVERYONE if you get my drift. I hang out with the people I am most compatable with - other working moms and families that have kids my kids ages.

I promise pictures tomorrow!! I went to see The Guardian last night with some ladies on the street, so I didn't get to my computer. But tomorrow, I swear...


Anonymous Fat Blogger said...

That all sounds exhausting...LOL But fun!

Our HOA plans things like that for our neighborhood but we pretty much just have to show up and bring a dish, they take care of the rest.

Sounds like you're going to have a busy season!!

Michele_3 said...

Does sound exhausting!
It is a nice gesture though, but I couldn't keep up with all that planning & activities either..
We have different contests for Halloween, Thanksgiving & Easter & our neighborhood is really family oriented(we have had block parties & things) but sometimes I just don't make it to all the things they plan.sounds like you might have some Stepford wives/moms over there in competition with each other though- LOL!

Erin said...

I'm with CPA mom, just enjoy it and don't put any pressure on yourself to get involved. If they want to compete then let them!

And hey... if you have all these plans how are you going to go on a playdate with me?? huh, when?? huh?? LOL - just teasing ;)

Silly Hily said...

Oh it totally sounds like they are in full-on competition mode.
Which, yeah, it is pretty funny.

And there is nothing that pisses me off more than blogger eating my posts (well, unless it's a drunk post that should have never been published any way).