On Saturday, Ashley has her first (and quite possibly her last) dance recital.
Here is the deal - they expect me to take her an hour early (at 2:00pm no less, yes, right in prime I should nap but I'm not time) to the dance recital, drop her off with a volunteer I don't know from Adam, who will then take her to some room to wait with 2 class Moms until it's time to go. Yup, 'cause that will work. No, instead I plan on being Psycho Mom!! and proceed to go back to the room with her and wait until right before she goes on. She is only three for goodness sakes. Forget the fact they expect (yes, expect) me to put EYELINER on her (it's not the putting on, it's the taking off I would be worried about). Forget the fact she doesn't know any of these kids except for the 45 minutes she spends with them every Thursday. And the class Moms? Don't get me started. They are more worried about who has a better house/car/pedicure than to worry about whether my kid has just snuck out of the room to look for her Mommy.
Okay, so you can tell me I am being psycho, I can take it. Really, I can.
YOUR Not Psycho girlfriend,
It is called "Being an EXCELLENT MOM"-
I would be doing the same thing, Our world is just too crazy today....
That's called being a MOM! You are not psycho!!
No, no sweetie, you aren't being psycho. You just know Ashley better than them and are being rational about what will happen if you aren't there. Besides, if you are there beside her, she'll be more comfortable and probably do awesome. If you aren't there....well if she's anything like my child - she won't even make it on the stage to perform! Have fun, and take pictures!
NOT psycho! Just a mom, I would be the same.
Nope, nuh uh, nah, never gonna happen...
I would never leave my 3 year old with "class moms" to watch over my kid.
You did the right thing! It's definately not being psycho - now maybe if she were like 11 then I would be doing the theme song music, but nope, 3 year olds should not be left alone for an hour with people they don't know while they may be nervous for a recital.
But... I do think 3 years old is way too young for eyeliner!
Oh you are so not psycho. I'd never leave my kid alone in a room full of Stepford Wives.
Eyeliner? Really? At three?
I don't blame you! I would never leave my 3 year-old with anyone I didn't know!
As for the eyeliner...well...I have a 3 year-old that lives for make-up, so we put make-up on every night when we're playing, so for us that wouldn't be a big deal. But if you're not used to doing it, I couldn't imagine putting it on a child that's not used to sitting very still while someone colors on her face!
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