Monday, January 29, 2007

Soooo, this weekend....

This weekend wasn't a complete bust. Ashley threw up at daycare on Friday about 1:00pm. I brought her home and got her cleaned up. Audrey was home with me and feeling much better. Then Ray came home, bringing a ton of food from Zaxby's for dinner. Why? Because the guy hates to dry heave, and according to him, "if I'm getting sick, I would rather have something to throw up and not dry heave." Interesting. Which he did at 4:00am. When did I get it? Well, I haven't yet, and I am praying and praying I don't. Please pray with me...

But by Saturday evening, everyone was feeling better and eating and being merry. And I got to go out on Sunday and see the movie Catch and Release. Good movie, although I wish she had ended up with the other guy. And who knew Kevin Smith could actually have a talking role? He was hilarious in it.

And just to make everyone laugh and follow orders of this man, here is a picture of me at some point in my childhood. I am guessing first grade? Love the hair bands. When are those making a comeback? And dude, I have some bangs! I think they started in the back of my head. And why does one eye droop? Am I the only like that?


The very nice man said...

OMG, how cute are you!! And those big eyes! I love it!!

Beccy said...

Glad you're all feeling better, I feel like I've been writing a lot of child is sick pots and my children are rarely ill, it must be the time of year!

Nice photo.

Eratosthenes said...

Glad you all are feeling better. :D

I hope no incriminating photos of me exist out there...

Erin said...

Wait - which guy did she end up with? I've been trying to figure it out from the previews and I have no intention of seeing the movie, so I'm just darn curious. Isn't one guy dead?

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

LOVE the crayon in your hair! Glad everyone is feeling better.

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Oh, and that might as well be Ashley in that picture cuz it looks EXACTLY like her.

A Novelist said...

I love the picture. Thank you for sharing. :)

Happy Working Mom said...

I'm so glad the family's feeling better...I really hope you don't get it!

Cute pick!

Steffi said...

Very nice pictures of your family!
Best greetings for all and I like your nice blog!


Michele_3 said...

That pix is too cute!!!
hope you don't get the yuckies!
I got my husband's cold over here- It sucks!

Leann said...

I can see where your little ones get their looks.your soooo the ponytails.and those hair chips are cute.God bless.

ChrisB said...

Thank you for sharing this lovely photo.

Karmyn R said...

Looking at these pictures and the picture of your daughter below - she looks so much like you!!! Same eyes and face shape. Adorable.

Dreaming What Ifs...

Mary said...

Oh the bangs, i am sure I had those too. Pretty picture! :O) glad to hear you are feeling better too.

willowtree said...

Whoa! Those are some serious bangs you've got going there.

Jennifer said...

Oh how cute and sweet! what a nice picture. I am hoping you are still healthy.....

SJINCO said...

I love that picture Amy! Very cute!!!

Peg said...

That is so the crayon bobbles in your hair!!