Friday, March 02, 2007

Friday Pictures - Audrey sleeping in her high chair

Last Sunday and Monday when she was home with Ray, Audrey fell asleep eating lunch. Ashley never did that once, so this was a treat. And totally cute and scrapbookable...

Looks like I'm praying, doesn't it?

Mmmm, good foooooddd....

I am totally asleep with food in my mouth...


Julie said...

How cute! She looks deep in thought. A definite scrapbook moment.

SJINCO said...

She's so freaking cute!

Anonymous said...

How freakin' cute is she??!!

my4kids said...

That is soo cute! I have a couple of 2 of my kids doing that to. We even have on of Madison who when she fell asleep somehow ended up with her fork sitting on her shoulder. Kids are funny

Kelly said... cute is she?? That picture is definitely a a keeper!

Scribbit said...

With her eyes closed you can really see how long and sweet her eyelashes are. Oh for eyelashes like that.

Audrey said...

That is TOO adorable! And, may I just say, she has a GREAT name!

That Chick Over There said...


(I left my caps lock on purposely. She's that cute!)

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

How cute!! They are like little angels when they are sleeping.

Jennifer aka Jippy said...

Very cute but is this breakfast, lunch or dinner? lol