I am completely humbled and thrilled for the award That Chick Over There nominated me for. Here's what she had to say:
"I heart Amy for many reasons: she's a twin (with a twin brother even!), she lives in small town North Carolina (and doesn't get mad at me for freely admitting I don't understand why) and most of all, she is not afraid to say, "Hey, what would you guys do in this situation?" if she's having a problem with whatever. Because a lot of bloggers try to act like their kids are just these perfect little people and never have any kind of issues and yeah, I totally don't believe that at all. She's totally okay with not being a perfect mom, and I am totally loving her for that. Also, Amy posts thought-provoking issues, is a Weight Watchers success story, and she's a total band geek. She totally rocks."
Cool, huh?
So I am supposed to nominate 5 blogs that have not been nominated. I wish I could nominate you all, I really do. You all make me think for some reason or another. So here goes:
1. Michelle at Scribbit - She posts really cool tips and recipes and book reviews and movie reviews and craft ideas and had goldfish that ate each other. If that doesn't make you think, I don't know what does. Oh, and she lives in Alaska. 'Nuff said.
2. All the Moms at Working Moms Against Guilt - I am not going to be tacky and pimp out the Working Moms blog that I write for (even though the other contributors also make me think with every post they write). I will pimp out a great Working Moms Collaborative blog that not only posts tips and such for dealing with working in any capacity and dealing with the guilt, it makes me think with the issues it presents. And you know there are a ton of issues in the news dealing with Moms and working or not working.
3. Jennifer at Jippy Jabber - I read her site and sometimes I cry and sometimes I laugh. Every day it makes me think about how other people persevere through such things as having a son with a pain disorder. She amazes me with her strength.
4. SJ at And All the Jones Men - She makes me think that I am glad to have had girls. Ha! Just kidding, sort of...She is a great photographer and makes me laugh with her stories and also like me knows her kids get into trouble and has no problem sharing them with everyone.
"I heart Amy for many reasons: she's a twin (with a twin brother even!), she lives in small town North Carolina (and doesn't get mad at me for freely admitting I don't understand why) and most of all, she is not afraid to say, "Hey, what would you guys do in this situation?" if she's having a problem with whatever. Because a lot of bloggers try to act like their kids are just these perfect little people and never have any kind of issues and yeah, I totally don't believe that at all. She's totally okay with not being a perfect mom, and I am totally loving her for that. Also, Amy posts thought-provoking issues, is a Weight Watchers success story, and she's a total band geek. She totally rocks."
Cool, huh?
So I am supposed to nominate 5 blogs that have not been nominated. I wish I could nominate you all, I really do. You all make me think for some reason or another. So here goes:
1. Michelle at Scribbit - She posts really cool tips and recipes and book reviews and movie reviews and craft ideas and had goldfish that ate each other. If that doesn't make you think, I don't know what does. Oh, and she lives in Alaska. 'Nuff said.
2. All the Moms at Working Moms Against Guilt - I am not going to be tacky and pimp out the Working Moms blog that I write for (even though the other contributors also make me think with every post they write). I will pimp out a great Working Moms Collaborative blog that not only posts tips and such for dealing with working in any capacity and dealing with the guilt, it makes me think with the issues it presents. And you know there are a ton of issues in the news dealing with Moms and working or not working.
3. Jennifer at Jippy Jabber - I read her site and sometimes I cry and sometimes I laugh. Every day it makes me think about how other people persevere through such things as having a son with a pain disorder. She amazes me with her strength.
4. SJ at And All the Jones Men - She makes me think that I am glad to have had girls. Ha! Just kidding, sort of...She is a great photographer and makes me laugh with her stories and also like me knows her kids get into trouble and has no problem sharing them with everyone.
5. CPA Mom - Talk about thought provoking entries. She writes so that I can feel what she's feeling and makes me take a step back and look at my life. Especially with all that she's been through in the past month.
As I said, you guys all make me think, otherwise I wouldn't be reading you. Some of you make me think, "hey, that's happened to me" or other times I think "I should try that."
So those of you tagged, here are the rules:
1. If you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
3. Optional: Proudly display the Thinking Blogger Award with a link to the post that you wrote.
I just realized I made a spelling error in my nomination to you. Boo on me! I'm going to correct that when I get home. It should be: freely admitting, not "feeling" admitting. Good GRAVY!
Anyway. Yay! :)
Congrats to you!
Very well deserved!
I love reading your blog- so don't go anywhere...
That's so nice of you, thank you!
I enjoy your blog too, it's on my sage feeds and "regular read" list.
Yes, yes! You and CPA Mom are great award recipients - Congrats ;-)!!!
Yeah Baby! My very first award. Thank you, THANK YOU very much :)
And I'm with CPA Mom, are there any people left to nominate??
Thanks again!
Congrats. That's cool
Thank you very very much. Ironically, I've been drafting a best of my blog roll post. Trying to pick my favorite post of everyone on my blog roll. Your blog is impossible to pick just one post and has really been a pain in my butt. Yep, that's how we say thank you in Jippyland...... lol Yay! To that chick over there for nominating you!
Congrats!! You totally deserve it!
Congratulations! I love your blog.
Thank you for the award! We are honored. Now it's our turn, I guess...
Susan at Working Moms Against Guilt
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