Go check out Mum for this week's Fun Monday participants. I am too late in the game for this weeks, but I volunteered to host next week's challenge.
So to kind of go along with the same theme of clothing - my Fun Monday theme is Embarrassing Clothing. Find something in your closet you are keeping for some ungodly reason (the sweatshirt with all the holes, the jeans your kids used as a drawing table with markers, the shirt with the stain you only hope no one notices) take a picture of it and tell us why you are keeping it and how it got that way.
Just leave me a comment or email me (look in my profile) if want to participate!
Amy what a brilliant idea.
I'd like to say that my wardrobe is full of only tasteful clothes but I'd be lying (as you would know if you saw that Bay City Rollers inspired dress I posted about today)!
Count me in.
I'm in. My closet is chockful of embarrasment!
Amy, I'm late to this game, but I totally want to play! Please count me in! YAY!
I'll give it a try although I think the hubby's closet is full of way more embarrasing (such as clothes with holes)items.
Amy,I have a few things left in my closet. Count me in, I'd love to play.
Amy thanks again for hosting, what I've just remembered is that next Monday is a Public hol here in UK as its Easter Mon. Don't know if this is the same worldwide and some people might be away for the weekend.
Please count me in.
I'm in! I'm in!
What fun, count me in.
i'm in too, sounds like fun :)
Better late than never - I'm definitely in on this one!!!
OOOH - this is an EASY one. I think I have a wardrobe full of embarrassing stuff.
Count me in.
Dreaming What Ifs...
count me in! I'll try to be on time this week!
I'm in...great idea ! I think I'll just take a picture of everything in my closet.
I have to sign in with my old BloggerBooger account.
I'll be the token male.
All my clothing is totally tasteless - I'm in!! (The problem is that none of it embarrasses me!)
Ummm, based on the SNORTS I get from my children, I don't think I'll have much problem with this, lol. I have a hard time getting rid of stuff because I always think it'll come back into style...eventually. I've recently purged the closet, but there's still some question marks hanging :).
Fun theme! Thanks for hosting.
I'm blogging at TypePad now, but have to sign in with my blogger account here.
everything I wear is kinda embarssing...
I'm not going to post this time but I'll be back to read everyone elses!!!!!
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