Sunday, April 22, 2007

To continue the love...

I asked That Chick Over There to send me interview questions because I loved answering CPA Mom's and I knew That Chick Over There would give me more really thought provoking goes....

1) Do you think your life is different because you are a twin? Why or why not? I think so. Having a sibling who is exactly your age always makes your life different. We weren't necessarily close throughout our lives as we are very, very different, but we can still connect. Even though my brother went to a geek gifted high school, and I went to normal high school, we ended up at the same college. Twins are unique, and I like to think that my life is a little unique because I have someone that I was born with.

2) What was the exact moment you knew you would marry your husband? Ray and I both had been in long term relationships with people we went to high school with. When we started dating, it was so easy. Ray stood up to me (I tend to be the smothering mothering type) and it just worked. I no longer had someone I felt like I needed to take care of, I had someone who saw me as an equal and treated me that way. I knew right away we would spend the rest of our lives together.

3) Do you ever wonder what it would be like to have two sons instead of two daughters? I have had that nightmare a few times...just kidding! Sort of...I think if I had sons they would have been even-keeled as Ray is and not as rambunctious as some boys I have seen. Although, Ashley can give some boys a run for their money in the active department. The other thing about boys? They don't wear dresses and how I love buying matching dresses for the girls...

4) If you were independently wealthy, would you be a stay-at-home mom or continue to work? Why? Ooooohhh, good one. Gut instinct, I would work in some capacity. Although if I stayed at home I would definitely get all my scrapbooking done...hmmm....

5) If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why? Orlando, Florida. Sun, fun and Disney World!

So, if you want to play, here goes (and I forgot to do this last time I did this...)
1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.” If I don’t have your email address, leave it for me in the comments.

2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.

3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.


my4kids said...

Great answers Amy!

Boys can be more rambuctius but your right some girls can give boys a run for their money. Madison can keep up with the best of them! I used to dress the boys up in matching clothes when they were little. They grew out of it much earlier then the girls who actually still enjoy matching.

my4kids said...

Also if you want to ask me questions I will answer. I have a couple more I am working on but I like answering other peoples questions!

That Chick Over There said...

Good answers, good answers! :)

CPA Mom said...

oh, did you ever interview me? I'm collecting questions from various people too. I love talking about myself. Obviously.

I keep forgetting you are a twin.

Yeah, I can't match Tigger and Eeyore in matching dresses but I can get similar ones in the same color. Like I got for Easter. And it was too cold for them to wear. So those adorable clothes are languishing in their closet. Yeah, fun times.

How was your weekend??? Get a lot of scraping done?

SJINCO said...

I somehow manage to match my kids when I dress them, and I don't even realize I'm doing it!

Good answers by the way, but it's not like I don't know a lot about you already!

Hope you had a great weekend!

Anonymous Fat Blogger said...

Those were good questions!

Interview me if you get really bored :)

la bellina mammina said...

love your answers!

Unknown said...

Love your answers Amy!

I didn't know you were a twin. I agree boys are so different from girls. They are rowdy, and they are tough.

If you'd like to ask me questions,I'd like you to interview me when you get time.

Bethany said...

Good answers!

I'll take some questions if you want.

INSANITY said...

Hey Amy -

Nice answers.

If you would like, you can interview me.

Katie Swaner said...

Sounds like fun. You can interview me.

Anonymous said...

Great answers. I just answered CPAMoms questions today! I'm a slacker. The twin question was really interesting to me - I don't know anyone that is a twin!