Friday, August 17, 2007

Friday Pictures - I am now officially a Soccer Mom

Ashley started soccer this past week. She did pretty well, as good as any four year old would do. She paid attention about 90% of the time. I had to drag her away from a very tempting dirt pile once or twice.

Underneath those pink socks are also pink shin guards.

Her buddy from school is on her team which definitely helped out.

It's really kind of like herding cats.

Audrey decided to be a ham at dinner last night. She is getting used to me and my camera.


CPA Mom said...

reminds me so much of when Tigger did soccer last year. both your girls are so cute!

Pam said...

Great pictures...your girls are adorable. I love the pink shin guards and socks. Thanks for sharing!

Edie said...

Ashley looks so cute in her soccer gear!! :)

And Audrey was definitely hamming it up for the camera!!

Cute pics.

Unknown said...

We coached the 3-4 yr olds in soccer when my youngest was that age and boy did you sum it up right! It IS kind of like herding cats. :)

Anonymous said...

Ashley looks like such a big girl in her soccer gear!! Loving the pink socks and shin guards!!

Audrey cracks me up--her and Morgan would be great friends :)

Happy Working Mom said...

Yeah!!!! Soccer mom!

I signed my daughter up for real gymnastics last night (real because it costs an arm and a leg and is at a competitive gym) so we too are starting the activities. My daughter wants to play soccer too, and ballet...I think I'll start those next year.

Beccy said...

You should have let her dive into the dirt pile! The footballers over here always get very mucky!

Anonymous said...

awwww to cute for words mrs soccor mom;)

sounds like fun all around!!

Erin said...

Great pictures! I'm starting MAtthew in soccer as well - I think it is great for kids this age!

ChrisB said...

Ashley looks cute in the outfit and PINK socks wow!!

Great pictures of Audrey the camera loves her !!:)

SJINCO said...

So, so cute! Let me know how the soccer goes....I really want to get Keven Jr. signed up - probably next year.

And yes, Audrey IS a ham. Those photos prove it!

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Ashley looks so cute in her pink socks and shin guards.

And Audrey is simply an adorable 'Lil Ham!

Cute photos.

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Love the pictures! I'm glad that Ashley like soccer. Kaylie hated it. Maybe if she had had pink shin guards...

my4kids said...

I love the pink shin gaurds and socks!

Pamela said...

ham and cheese...

Julie said...

Ok, that last picture of Audrey - total adorable ham! Good for Ashley playing soccer - I've tried for 2 years to get Abby to play - she's not interested "too much running". She likes dance so that's her gig again this year! Oh, and supposedly cheerleading if they can ever be organized to start practicing!

Anonymous said...

Those little soccer shorts kill me. So cute.

Donetta said...

Oh too cute, soccer was fun. Hot here. That last photo too sweet.

Emma in Canada said...

How long is your soccer season? Ours is only from April- June. Too cold the rest of the year!

Mel said...

Soccer moms rock! I waited forever for the day and now we are in our second season.

Anonymous said...

Your daughters are adorable! I loved soccer when my kids were that age. The games were so funny because alot of times, they would run the wrong way or just plain not pay attention. Thanks for sharing!

Lisa said...

Last year at this time, my little guy was four and doing the same things at soccer practice your daughter was doing. (Watching these little people run around during a game is HYSTERICAL and utterly adoreable. It will be a fun season for ya'll.)

Anonymous said...

Too cute!! ;-) I love the pink socks!