Thursday, August 23, 2007

I never win, so I really don't know why I am trying....

A few contests I am entering...maybe this time I will get lucky...

The first is at The Disney Blog. We are to post the answer to the following questions to be entered to win fabulous prizes. Plus, you will get an insight into my mania about all things Disney...

1. Have you ever celebrated your birthday at a Disney theme park? If so, tell us about it.
I have celebrated my birthday at Disney World 3 times, and I am missing celebrating it at Disney World this year by ONE DAY. But I am still counting it cause we leave for Disney on my birthday.

My best memory about my birthday at Disney was my 30th birthday almost 2 years ago (gasp!). I was very pregnant with Audrey, and Ray booked me a pregnancy massage at the Grand Floridian Hotel. Fancy Schmancy. And I got to lay on my stomach because that had that great pillow with the huge hole in it. And I love laying on my stomach.

2. What is your favorite or most useful tip for guests of Disney's theme parks?
One of my most useful tips for guests of Magic Kingdom is for getting into Mickey's Toon Town and therefore getting in line for autographs early. We take that little known path by Space Mountain and wait at the rope into Toon Town. Toon Town normally opens an hour after the park does, and houses a tent that has Mickey in it as well as a tent with the Princesses and other Disney characters. One year, Ashley actually got to hold Mickey's hand as the rope dropped and he led her to the tent. Pretty cool.

3. What is your favorite Disney theme park attraction or show and why?
This is HARD. I really like all of it. But if I have to pick just one, I will take the Tower of Terror at MGM Studios (soon to be Hollywood Studios). It has ghosts, scary things, and is a cool ride based on a show I used to watch with my Dad when I was younger.

And for the other contest I am entering? I really, really want this organizer. Please pray that I win!


Happy Working Mom said...

Wow, celebrating your birthday there 3 times!!! That's so cool!

I can't wait to hear all about your trip...I'm so jealous!

I hope you win the contests!

Anonymous said...

When I go to Disney in two years? I'm TOTALLY having you plan our trip :)

That Chick Over There said...

Cute organizer!

It's almost time for "our" trip! :)

ChrisB said...

I hope you get lucky with the organiser.

Anonymous said...

I've been to Orlando twice, and both times, the people with me wouldn't let me go to Disney. I have gone to gatorWorld twice though. I am still bitter.

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Wishing you lots of luck in your contests. Although, that organizer is super cute...

frannie said...

good luck!

SJINCO said...

You know, in all the years I've known you I never knew you had such a love for Disney. How'd I miss that?

Good luck with the contests, I never win either but I still try!

Anonymous Fat Blogger said...

Good luck with the contests! I never win anything either.

Pam said...

That is great that you get to go to Disney so often...I have never been there...gasp! I hope to one day go when both kids are old enough to remember it....but for now I will live and enjoy it through you!

Anonymous said...

we used to go to disney world with my mom when we were little before she passed away, she loved it's a small world... i haven't been back since and miss it dearly, once i got to eat at the top of the castle in a fancy restraunt it was really neat!!

i hope you win!!

Kelly said...

Good's been forever since I've been to Disney...hmm now that I think about it..I think it is almost 15 years since I've been...

aaahhh I want to go back....

Jill said...

You've been awarded. Come visit me to see!

Beccy said...

Tower of Terror was one ride I missed when I was there and everybody tells me how great it is.

la bellina mammina said...

I really hope you'll win Amy!! :-)

Unknown said...

Hey Amy,

Thanks for the most excellent entry into the contest. Good luck in the drawing.

By Fans, For fans

Anonymous said...

I just remembered this blog where this woman (Deb) discusses all the things she's learned on her trips to Disney - maybe it will help you??