But last night, Ray and I had been sitting downstairs for a few minutes when we hear "Mommy" over a monitor.
"Was that Ashley or Audrey?" Ray asked.
"Holy Hell, I think that was Audrey." I was shocked.
So upstairs I go.
I opened the door not knowing what to expect considering I had put her to bed and she had not made a peep since I had left her room some 15 minutes prior. She was sitting up, with a book in her hand that she did not have when I left her.
"Yup, that's a book. Give it to Mommy."
She has a nightstand next to her crib that has some books on it. The only thing I can figure out is that she reached through and grabbed this book (it was a small board book) and then decided she needed to give it back to me. I gave her some more cuddle time, and laid her back down and that was it.
I guess I will be getting my exercise now from TWO kids calling me into their rooms after bedtime...
Look what Sunshine gave me! Even cooler, I don't have to pass it on to anyone...

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Don't you LOVE when they change it up on you and not necessarily for the better? My little man has decided to change up the nighttime routine on me too. It's their precious little gift to us to tell us they love us!
You totally deserve it! And, I'm glad you get to relax and bask in the glow of the award....LOL
That's a cute award :)
Oh I feel for you! I remember when my son started calling out to us...I now feel like I'm exercising every time I'm upstairs because I'm constantly going from one room to the other.
Good Luck! And the picture of her holding a book in her crib in my mind is adorable!
Cute award.... my boys don't call out for me anymore, but am counting the days when LP will! ;-)
you are the cat's ass!
Thanks for visiting my blog. I don't think I've ever commented here, but I do subscribe to your feed thru bloglines.
Cute award. I remember when I had more then one calling....now its 4!
Sneaky little bugger - getting the book on her own. Time to move the end table? : )
It always seems just like when I have the routine down, someone decides to change it up on me. And, why do they always call for mommy? I'd like someone else to have to go running at 3 am when they can't find their favorite blanket, etc. :) Love the new award!
You wouldn't believe some of the stuff Caleb has dragged into his bed. His little chair, a big pack of diapers...I check on him every night after he goes to sleep and it's always something interesting! Of course, he doesn't care to call my name about it.
Very much the cat's ass!! What a great award!
yourYou will certainly be busy now at nights with two little ones yelling your name! Just think of the excerise you will be getting!
Congrats on being the Cat's Ass.
You are The Cat's Ass! What a great award.
And how nice of Audrey...you are in trouble now!!!
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