Yes, today is National Delurking Day. And yes, that means come out of the shadows (that means you especially Ray...) and leave a comment. I honestly don't know much about my site meter or how to read it, but I will tell you this...if you leave a comment and you have a blog, I will check it out and most likely be hooked on another blog to read.
And I will make it easy on you guys...
End this sentence:
"Ashley likes to dip her french fries in _____________."
Go on, delurk.
I don't know...oh the pressure...ketchup? mayonnaise???
My guess would be ketchup :)
I'm like you, any new comments I get I go over and check them out and am usually hooked!
....your face?
Ketchup seems to obvious!
Barbeque sauce?
I don't know!
New comments always leave with me with new blogs to read :)
Uh...ketchup seems entirely too easy. I'm going to say mustard.
She will dip any food item into any condiment she likes, ketchup, syrup, pizza sauce. She is all about "the dip"! If it is dippable she will partake. Strawberries in sryup? No problem!
Milkshake. Especially vanilla milkshake.
Didn't know we had blogometers, need to go check that out....
I say mustard! Happy National De-Lurking Day!
Her sister's Ketchup?
This is a big step for me!
Good thing I delurked a while ago.
Ice Cream! :-)
Milkshake is my guess - even though I see Ray has already commented and let the cat out of the bag. A McDonald's french fry dipped in their chocolate shake - delicious!
I say ketchup. Although that seems too easy of an answer. But, I'm sticking with ketchup b/c my niece is obsessed with dipping ANYTHING in ketchup.
As you guys can see, my husband actually commented, but his answer is not right. He has not joined us for dinner on the nights with french fries at home!
Yes, he is going to win Father of the Year award....
I'm going for applesauce. That's what my daughter dips hers in. She's a freak
ice cream
Ice cream is the answer to all life's questions.
ps. I wish I could delurk. I always say something..even if it stupid.
...her nose. Just kidding!
Ketchup was my first thought but I'll bet its something else.....
Delurking day huh? Does it actually work?
I go with Ray's answer! :)
ketchup seems the obvious one- that's been said but I've made a comment!
Ahh! I am feeling that test anxiety panic feeling when you studied and still don't know the answer..... ;)
So glad I stopped lurking a while ago. I am with you...if someone stops by and leaves me a comment, I am checking out that blog and end up with another one to read daily. But I love it!
...anything she can.
Lame I know but I'm just delurking anyway.
ketchup was my thought...
I hope it isn't "dog poop".y
I'll go with maple syrup! Delurked I am...just what we all need...more blogs to read!
How about Ranch Dressing ??
Ketchup is too obvious, so I'll say her milk glass.
And for delurking, I think I found you through Fun Monday.
Don't think I count as a lurker since you are in my google reader and I comment whenever I want, but thought I would just say hi today. I gotta get one of those buttons!!
I'll have to guess mayo. I like mine with ketchup, unless they're the already seasoned fries, those are great by themselves.
I'm late! I shouldn't guess either, because I'm reading your entries backwards....jelly. :o)
Hey Amy! I'm a little late - I'm a total lurker:) Love keeping up with you:) oh-- Jelly!! But I already read it. Keep up the great site!!!!
Does she dip in honey mustard?? It's yummy!!
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