Monday, February 04, 2008


I finally watched the Oprah episode from last week about the book, The Gift of Fear. I had been wanting to watch the episode every since reading about it on Edie's blog.

And I completely agree that we all have some sort of intuitive thing in us that warns us before something is going to happen. Even if it is just a slight feeling, something being off.

Like choosing a daycare or nanny or preschool for your kids. If it doesn't feel right, it won't be right when your kid goes there.

I know someone who is going to send her kid to a daycare because the price is right, even though she did not have a good feeling when she walked into the place. And it's killing me that she is making that decision.

A few weeks ago, Ray took Ashley to the gym with him so she could play with her friend there. Plus, she really enjoys the child center at our gym. He said he was on the cross trainer, and he just had a bad feeling that something was going to happen. And sure enough, he heard his name over the loud speaker a few minutes later to come to the child center. It wasn't bad, just Ashley had a bathroom accident (as in she didn't make it to the bathroom and peed all over herself...she does that when she gets totally engrossed in playing every few months...) and he had to come get her to take her home.

But he had had that feeling that something just wasn't right. It's amazing what our minds and bodies can tell us without us knowing it.

We should all follow that feeling.


Sabrina said...

My mom and brother were driving to pick up our dog at my Aunts place a couple of years ago, and I felt something was wrong. The very second I felt it, they had been in an accident. I knew they had been in an accident and it was freaky. I also knew they were safe.

When I grew up in England, I was listening to the radio once and this thought just came into my head saying "Wouldn't it be funny if a ferry just tipped over?" All of a sudden the announcer came on the radio and said that there had been a ferry accident, someone had left the doors open and the ferry had sunk, killing some folks. Not quite funny, but very freaky.

I really do believe strongly in intuition.

Got goosebumps now.

frannie said...

I believe in intuition!

I dreamed for 7 nights in a row that my mother died--- on the eigth day she did.

I was only 10 years old.

Edie said...

Glad you watched the episode. I think it's was an excellent show. I totally believe in intuition.

Anonymous said...

I believe in going with your gut or in sensing something is about to happen.

SJINCO said...

I have a great sense of intuition, always have. It's amazing what your senses tell you - if only people would actually listen from time to your gut always!

I didn't see the Oprah show, or hear anything about the book - but I'm reading it for sure.

Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY agree. It's amazing, isn't it? For me, I recognize it more now that I'm a Mom - I pay more attention to those feelings now where before I would have just dismissed them.

I also have the power to tell when someone is pregnant ;-) Twice I dreamed that I was pregnant, and I wasn't (we didn't want to be - we are done!) - turns out the neighbor across the street was prego both times . . . and she didn't know it. Then a couple weeks later each time she'd say "I'm pregnant." I dreamed again that I was pregnant . . . called my friend Jenn to see if she was pregnant (they were trying) . . . she said no. 3 weeks later, she called back to say she was pregnant with their first child. Dreamed I was prego again a couple years later - asked her again if she was pregnant - nope. 3 weeks later she went in for a D&C due to a miscarriage. Dreamed again 6 months later that I was pregnant - called her and she said no. 2 weeks later - she emailed me to tell me "I wish you'd dream that I won the lottery, too." Yup - she was pregnant. I dreamed AGAIN that I was pregnant . . . asked my boss if her daughter was pregnant (they were trying for a LOOONNGGG time) . . . she said no. 3 weeks later she told me her daughter was pregnant :-)

I'm definitely going to check out the book!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely believe we all have that. It's a gift that too many people ignore. Have you read "Protecting The Gift"?"

Kelly said...

I couldn't agree more with you! I have had many instances when things didn't feel right and something did go wrong. I guess when you just know you know!

Pam said...

Mother's (or father's) intuition is always a good thing. I go with it and always am more cautious, etc when I am feeling it. You are right on!

That Chick Over There said...

I changed daycare providers three times before I felt comfortable and I don't give a crap if that makes me a helicopter or whatever. I had to do what I felt was right.

debi9kids said...

I completely believe in it. On September 10, 2001 I was watching the NY Giants play a game and when it was over, the announcer said they would be taking a red-eye to NYC that evening. I turned to my husband and said, " There is going to be a horrible plane crash in NYC tomorrow."
Possibly the worst thing I ever knew was going to happen before it did...

my4kids said...

I've had that feeling before. Scares me though when I do and I usually listen to it. I remember once right after we had started the girls in daycare and I was supposed to meet kelly there. He didn't show up and I had this really bad feeling something was wrong. He had been in a pretty bad car accident with the boys. What was weird is on the way back from the daycare traffic was stopped do to an accident and I had a bad feeling about it then but decided I wanted to get the girls home. I sometimes wonder if it would have been any better for me to have gone by and seen or good that I didn't see....

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

I totally agree. It's scary sometimes, but I am thankful for it too.

Unknown said...

I complete believe that intuition is an important aspect of life and I always listen to my gut. A good book about intuition, developing and using it, is Positive Energy. The author, Dr. Judith Orloff, also has many mini-lectures on YouTube