We always take the kids to Portrait Innovations to get their pictures done. They are relatively inexpensive, have some good backgrounds, and some cute props. So Saturday, I had an appointment at 4:00pm to get Audrey's pictures done for turning two (I waited until she got her cast off, I had enough pictures of her in that).
So I show up and the place is NUTS. There was a group of about 20 people getting a group shot with outfit changes, so that had backed things up a bit. And in the other room, there was a Mom getting her daughter's pictures taken, and she had about 14 different outfits for this kid. Seriously.
Finally, at 5:00pm, we get called back. If you know me outside of the little internet world, I am someone who just likes to get things done. Like my shopping trips, I like to get a lot done in a little bit of time. I know what I want, plus I take the girls' to get their pictures done at their birthdays and Christmas. So I have done this before. I had one clothing change for Audrey (a dress I bought at the Gymboree outlet for a STEAL I tell ya) and we had all pictures taken in less than 15 minutes. Audrey did great, the photographer and his helper did great, and we were done.
And then I had to chose the pictures. He took about 70, and they bring up 3 pictures at a time for you to narrow it down. I flew through them. I think that part is easy. I may be weird, I don't know. I either really like a picture, or I don't. Another Mom was standing near where I was looking at my pictures, and she commented about how easy I made it look. I had a two year old who had been there for over an hour and was getting hungry, plus like I said, I either liked the pictures or I didn't.
I narrowed it down to a few poses, chose the pictures sizes, and was out of there. And here are a few...oh, and yes, she has tattoos on her hands. I tried to take them off, and well, it didn't work. 

LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures!! She's beautiful!
Want to come help me with Morgan's? I've picked out the backgrounds on line, but I know picking out which shots I want will be so tough :)
Love the pictures!!!
Thanks so much for sending Riley a care package.
We are being discharged today!!! Off to the RMDH for 2 days.
She's beautiful! Great great great photos! I'm like you - we take 2 outfits and about 30 pictures . . . then it takes me about 5 minutes to pick the pictures I want and order them. Either I like 'em, or I don't. Hubby chooses what he wants for his family, I choose what I want for mine, and we're off to the food court while they print :-)
And I like the tattoos ;-) My kids want them on all. the. time.! I guess I brought that on myself by having 3 . . . I just keep telling them that they can't get one until they're much much older and even then only after very careful consideration. Many tattoos end up being a permanent reminder of a temporary feeling!
Love the pictures!
Last time I took Boy and Girl child there? We waited 2.5 hours. GAH!!!!
Those are great pictures I love #2 and #4. I think she did a great job especially since she had to wait soooo long!
I forgot to tell you... check out my blog later (I tagged you)
They are beautiful but I agree with lori and particularly like 2&4 :)
Pictures are gorgeous...I need to get pictures done...*sigh*.
I'm EXACTLY like you, highly efficient with kid-based activities like shopping or getting photos. I make decisions quickly and get thru everything to make it as painless as possible. Why make it harder than it has to be???? Seriously...
Oh, and #4 is totally adorable.
The pictures are terrific!!
What a gorgeous Princess Audrey is.
My favorite is the last one - LOVE IT!! What a beautiful girl!
That place sounds like our Picture People. We used to do all our pictures there but now that I found Amy (sandoval) we'll never go back.
I love the last picture especially!
Baby oil is really good for getting those dumb tatoos off - so I've found.
Those pictures are adorable! She looks so beautiful!
Just gorgeous!!! No other words!
oh, she looks gorgeous!!
I think if you soak a cotton ball with baby oil and hold it on the tattoo for a few minutes, they will come off.
not that that helps you now.
What beautiful photos and what a gorgeous little girl in these beautiful photos!
Love them all!
I love the last one. What a beauty!
I LOVE those! The one on black is my fave. Gorgeous!
Totally adorable!!! LOVE that dress!
What a beautiful little girl! Love the pictures, and her outfits are adorable!!! And I don't think you are weird, I either like a photo at first glance, or I don't. Easy as that!
Thanks for the shout out and all the support, I really, really appreciate it! I'll keep everyone updated.
omg!!!! Those are the most adorable pictures EVAH!!! Oh - and you ROCK being able to do that so well and so quickly! I would like working with you! ;)
cute pictures. I think she likes having her picture taken!
Beautiful pictures!!!
The looks just adorable! Esp. LOVE the last shot!
PS I am just like you. I either love the pic or I hate it. I like to get in & out without quickly.
Really great pics!!! But, if I had to pick just one, I think I'd pick the last one...that one's kind of special!!
She looks beautiful as always!
I love the first one and the last one - she looks so precious in those!
Hi Amy, those pictures are so cute.
As far as the tattoo's you could try Sink So Soft oil from Avon. That stuff is great to remove all kinds of stuff.
Love the pictures shhe is such a doll!
I am the same way with pictures by the way. After takinf 4 kids 5 and under I knew exactly what I wanted!
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