My kids are obsessed with these...seriously. We watch Sprout when the Disney Channel is showing the teen shows like Hannah Montana that Audrey just does not care for (she's is only 2). The commercial for these panacake puffs comes on it seems everyday and my kids FREAK OUT. Audrey will literally come running to find us to tell us "Pancake Puffs".
Maybe an Easter gift? I think they might crap their pants.
Those look kinda cool! I've never seen the comercial.
OMG! We watch the Goodnight show on Sprout and this comes one every.single.night. And every.single.night Ashlyn yells "I want that, I want that". I was actually tempted to buy it too!
I see you have passed on your love for cooking to your girls! What a great Easter gift that would be :)
I think that all kids want that:) The prospect of all that yummy food reels them in. Would love to know how it really works because I know that Wesley would love that.
My girls would LOVE these. Wonder if I can find them around here???
OMG how funny! I have never seen the commercial for them...and I have never even heard of them!
Well....we "Danes" have been eating what are really called "ebelskiver" all our lives. Pancake Puffs must be the "American" name for what is the same idea. It is a Christmas morning tradition in our home to have these for breakfast. Google Ebelskiver and you will get a true Danish recepie for these and they are so good! Try dipping them in heavy whipping cream & sugar mixture for a truely unhealthy heavenly breakfast! The Danish also make them with applesauce in the middle and that is very good too!! My grandmother and mother say there is an art to learning how to make the pan just hot enough and use just enough oil so that they actually flip themselves as they cook. I have never tried to master the art as I have always had mom or grandma to make them for me! I also expect if you buy a "true" Danish Ebelskiver pan that the quality of the pan will be such that they will work better. The pan in your picture looks a little on the lower quality side. I got one of the pans for my wedding and they weigh about 30 lbs! Happy Danish Cooking!!
Never seen 'em, but I could see where kids would love them!
never heard of those.
My in-laws have it and love it. They haven't made any for us yet though. :-(
I saw that commercial while we were on vacation last week-- and I nearly crapped my pants! I want one of those!
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