Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I can't seem to get my act together...

Ever feel like stuff is just piling up, one thing on top of another, without stopping? I can't get back on my routine for anything. The alarm went off this morning, and I could barely open my eyes. Thankfully Ray got up first for the shower and gave me a few extra minutes of sleep. Audrey is still waking up in the middle of the night since being sick. I guess I fell asleep on the floor of her room last night because I was in there for two hours.

I just want to get one thing done in my house - the "great curtain project of 2008"; cleaning out my scrapbooking room; giving a good spring cleaning to the first floor of our house.

I am also in this weepy state over the fact that Ashley starts kindergarten in July. She told me yesterday that she is bored in Pre-K and doesn't want to go anymore. I think this mostly stems from the fact that one of her friends is no longer there as her Mom took her out to go on vacation for three weeks. The guilt hit me hard - I wish I could take her out and just hang out for a few days.

So I am trying to get back to regulary posting and picking up the slack on my other blogs. I was actually late with my submission this week for Trianglemom2mom. I think our editor is okay with it, as she has a three year old and knows how time can get away from us.


Happy Working Mom said...

I know how you feel. I hope you get back in the groove soon...it's horrible to feel "off." And I hope Audrey starts sleeping more soon!!!

emily said...

1) Give yourself a break and make sure as you try to get back into the swing you remember you need down time too.
2) Make a list, make a list of lists, even the LITTLE stuff, so you can see how much you are actually doing. I started using Rememberthemilk.com and my hubby and I share our lists so we can help each other and set some expectation abuot what needs to happen when!
3) Go back to 1.

Lori said...

I hope you all get more sleep soon! Having your first child go to kindergarten is a tough transition (trust me I've seen enough parents cry the first day of school), but just think you've raised her well and she is ready to explore her world! Think about how much she will learn and grow

Julie said...

Well Girlie you have A LOT going on! With two small kids, working, second mortage, 3 blogs plus freelancing and then all your "craft" projects you do have a lot of balls up in the air. I can understand how you feel - we've all been there and I'm sure will be there again all too soon. Can you let something go? Like shut the door to your scrap room - what you can't see you can't want to organize! Or just do alittle bit each day. Maybe clean one part of your house or organize one corner of your scrap room. LIttle by little it will get done and you will see progress.

As for the weepy state....unfortunately that will probably hang around until Ashley starts kindergarten. But be thankful that Ashley seems ok with the change and looking forward to it. It would be much harder to deal with your own feelings AND Ashley's if she was scared or nervous. Kindergarten is a rite of passage - for our kids and us - so you have good reason to be weepy. Don't feel guilty about not taking your kids out for a 3 week vacation - how many people really do that. From what I know and read you ALWAYS make the most of your free time with the girls. Maybe that mom doesn't and feels guilty that she needs to dedicate some time?

SJINCO said...

Ahhh yes. I so know how you feel. I have projects after projects that I want to just finish already and no time to do them. It'll get done eventually but still - I just wish for once that I could sit and enjoy what I've got going on around me and just forget about everything else.

Keven Jr. told me yesterday that he wanted to go to kindergarten because his current school was BOOORRING. But it didn't make me weepy at all, I can't wait for him to start in the Fall. Now I know I'll be way different when I'm kissing him good-bye on his first day but still. I'm way excited for him! And yes, I too wish that I could just not have to work and just hang with my kids. I think this everyday.

Brown Eyed Girl said...

I fear this will be me in about 3 weeks when I'm working 50+ hour weeks and feel like I'm never home.

I have to get organized NOW so I don't get overwhelmed once it starts.

I'm sorry.....I know what having a kid that doesn't sleep through the night can do for YOUR sleep pattern

Sabrina said...

Make a list and tackle a couple of things each day. :)

Alyssa starts kindergarten at the end of August. Not looking forward to it :(

frannie said...

I am feeling the same way now... I'm so very far behind.

Kelly said...

ALthough I have no kids...I find it hard just to get myself going..let alone little people...