Ashley had her first field trip yesterday on the coldest day yet in our area. Not only was it supposed to be cold, but there were wind gusts that made it seem even colder. And of course the field trip was to a pumpkin farm complete with hayrides, corn mazes, and lots and lots of pumpkins.

Ashley got to ride in style to the pumpkin patch. I was not allowed to ride with her on the bus, but instead I carpooled with a few other Moms who were going as well. This seemed great and the kids loved the fact that they could watch a movie on the way to and from.
Until it was time to leave and the stupid bus wouldn't start and we had to wait out in the cold for another bus to come and take the kids back to school. Luckily, the kids were fine with playing Duck, Duck, Goose to pass the 20 minutes or so we had to wait for the new bus.

Yes, Hallelujah I got my child to wear jeans. This is a first as she flat out refused to wear them. The only way she would was if I let her wear the boots I purchased for her to wear with her Halloween costume - some God awful blue Tinkerbell boots I picked up at Walmart to match the blue Sharpay dress. And she actually enjoyed wearing them so I just might have to buy her some more.
Since there were 12 chaperones and 23 kids in Ashley's class, each chaperone was responsible for 2 kids. The other kid I had was not too good at staying with me and stressed me out for most of the day. And the cold. It was actually fine when we were walking around, but when we sat on the hayride and when we ate snack and lunch, the wind was pretty brutal.

Ashley had fun, but was extremely tired at the end of the day and she still had cheerleading practice last night. I had to stop by Starbucks on the way home from picking up Audrey since I too was pretty wiped. Thankfully she doesn't have another field trip until the spring...
looks like a fun field trip... and one parent to every 2 kiddos is a dream
Despite the weather it souds like you had a good time! Keven Jr. and Isaac both did field trips to pumpkin patches this year and I missed them both because of work. It's times like those that I wish I was a stay at home Mom!
And you said it was cold - what's cold exactly?!
(funny afterthought - my word verification on this post was 'palin' - odd)
ah, field trip fun!
It's been crazy windy and cold here for 3 days now. Just the sound of the wind makes me freeze.
Looks like fun!! Minus the bus breaking down.
It's COLD here today. 36 to be exact. The wind? NASTY!! NASTY I tell you! We even had snow showers last night and this morning. Ugh. I hate Winter!
My word verification is "idaride".
Hmmm...can we use it in a sentence?
That big bus? Watching a movie? Idaride around town in.
HAHAHA!! I need sleep, I think.
Looks like it was fun though!! Ashley looks like she enjoyed herself and I bet she was glad to have you there with her.
Kaylie rides on a school bus to field trips! WTH!
Starbucks makes everything better, huh? It looks like Ashley had a great time. It has been pretty darn cold and I know very windy here. Go mom, for being so brave in the blustery weather!!
It's cold here was 29 this morning! Glad you endured the field trip! Looks like fun though! Starbucks really does make things better!
Yes, I agree- field trips can really be a TRIP! Glad she had fun. I'm impressed they took the nice bus to the pumpkin patch. Our kindergarteners had to ride an activity bus!
Looks like a great trip! And yes, it was FREEZING here!! And the wind...aaagghh!
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