Sunday, June 18, 2006


First of all, Happy Father's Day to all of those out there - I hope you had a great day.

So Ashley was out on her playset, and Ray and I were about to join her. He went to carry one of the deck chairs down when I saw a tail of something go under the deck stairs. I wasn't sure if it was a snake or a lizard since I only saw a little bit of it. Well, I guess there was a lot of it, as Ray saw a huge black snake. He ran and got Ashley and literally went around the neighbors house to get to our front yard. He went back to the deck through the house. After consulting his Dad and deciding that he wasn't going to do anything, I went to get some neighbors to help. Right down the street were 3 guys, one of who had just moved in. I could totally tell they were hestitant to come kill a snake, but Steve grabbed a shovel and they all headed to our backyard. Steve eventually killed it with his shovel after asking Ray what he should do. It was pretty funny. Other neighbors have seen a big black snake so let's hope this is the same one!

1 comment:

Happy Working Mom said...

ooooohhhhhhh yuck! I absolutely hate snakes....I can't even look at a picture of one! I'm glad you guys were able to kill it! Thankfully we don't have any snakes by our house (we live in a very urban area), but if I were to drive a short distance I would see some, so I don't drive there! :)