Friday, October 27, 2006

Coochy Coochy Coo

This is Ashley with June from the Little Einsteins. Very scary big head. Some of the characters scare me.

Okay, so the story behind this picture (Picture has been removed. If you would like to see it, please email me). This was at Epcot at one of those spray grounds. Ashley wanted to play, so I took off her dress and let her go in her underwear (she's only 3 and I had extra underwear). In this picture, she is saying "Mommy, my cooch is getting wet!". I was laughing to hard that I couldn't take a picture of what happened next. She walked away from that water with her legs apart saying "Mommy, I'm walking funny." I guess that's what happens when you have water shooting up your cooch.


Michele_3 said...

OMG, That is too funny!
Where did she learn that word?
LOL! kids can be so funny w/out even knowing it..
I have never seen those Einstein characters- Where were they located in EPCOT?

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

That's the funniest shit I've seen all day! Cooch! LMAO! Cooch! And in the pic, it looks like she's peeing, ha ha ha.

Erin said...

LMAO - kids are too funny!

Stacey said...

Hahaha! THAT is my daughter in a year, Lord help me. Except she calls it her peepee. I CANNOT call it the real name, and she calls hers 'peepee' because that's what we call her brother's 'stuff'. I call it her hoo-ha now and then, though.

Silly Hily said...

Cooch? HA! As you know, Silly Girl uses "other booty" as her choice word. And those character people, they scare the s.h.i.t. out of Silly Girl. Well, not literally thank goodness, but she screams. Which is why I don't think she's ready just yet for Disney World.