My neighbor is organizing a pj swap between a few of us on the street. She emailed me and asked me for the girls' sizes. I emailed her back with just Ashley's size. She of course emails me back re-asking for Audrey's. Why did I forget Audrey?? For starters, all the other kids involved in the swap are all Ashley's age, so I guess I was just thinking it was for Ashley. But who can forget this face?

On another note of Audrey - she waves bye-bye like a champ, shakes her head no, and gives us the best cheesy smile with her eyes closed that I have ever seen. She is just getting over another ear infection (that makes two in a little over two months) and
she will be one in just a little over a month. How scary is that?
She is just WAY too cute - now stop posting pictures of her, or I might just want to have another one!! :-)
Amy, she has the most beautiful eyes! She is just as cute as she can be. So, Audrey, Alyssa and Morgan are all gonna be turning one real soon (Alyssa and Morgan on the same day!)
What a sweetie pie. She's got such pretty dark eyes.
One?!? I am so there with you. This first year has gone way too fast.
She's precious!
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