I was tagged a while ago by
Happy Working Mom for the
Real Moms meme. I am finally getting around to doing it. So here are my Friday pictures...
Real Moms have bedrooms that look like bombs exploded with laundry...(and no, we have no headboard or footboard for our bed; prior to moving to North Carolina we had a canopy bed. That bed didn't fit up the stairs in this house and we haven't bought a new one yet).
Real Moms have family rooms that look much the same, except with toys...
Real Moms spend a lot of time in these chairs...
Real Moms let their kids go without shirts after dinner...
Real Moms let their three year olds drink chocolate milk pretty much all the time...

Real Moms like the fact that drugs help their kids feel better...
So, if you want to join in the fun, have at it!
That's funny. I leave the kids' pants off entirely too often.
I love it! That's what our house looks like too :)
And I'm also with you on the shirts off and the chocolate milk anytime...I had to put my foot down last night at 11:30 when my daughter asked me for it, but I think that's the only time I told her she couldn't have it :)
LOVE the pictures!
strip them naked before dinner- less stains in the ever growing pile of laundry.
My girls are sans shirts and/or pants almost all the time. I think the UPS dude gets quite a show every time he stops!
Also....the toys all over is TOTALLY my house too!!
Great post, Ben likes to strip off to his vest even when it is far too cold!
So true, so very very true! Looks alot like my house, lol. Hell, some days the shirt comes off before dinner! I love the pics of the girls.
That looks just like my bedroom. When did you sneak into my house?
Come to BlogHer!
Love the pictures!
The time bomb? Yeah you don't want to see a picture of my room. Also we don't have the headboard on our bed yet and its not because it didn't fit, we just haven't put it on yet.
My kids still take their shirts off for dinner if its messy but I know the time is getting near when they need to not do that, especially the girls..
I got this MeMe too- I just need to find the time to do it, like I need for EVERYTHING in my life basically though! LOL!
Thanks for sharing- I can relate on all those real mom pictures! LOL!
Excellent stuff!
Who's adorable flats are pictured on the edge of the shirtless picture?! They look like Vera Bradley pattern but does she make shoes now?
Love the pics :) Oh...and the shoes in the pic of your shirtless daughter!! :)
These pictures are terrific. What a crazy life we lead. My house is definitely a wreck this week since I haven't felt well. Dave's getting tired of doing all the chores!
Oh, and I love those shoes too. Where'd ya get them??
You are indeed a real Mom.
They are both so precious.
Casey has been waking up without a shirt on...what is THAT all about.
Since I am such a shoe girl- I would love to know where you got those very cute ones your wearing as well in the picture!!
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