Friday, May 25, 2007

Friday Pictures....from Myrtle Beach

Hayden and Ashley at Brookgreen Gardens
Show some love Ashley!
Bedtime always started out so good...
Miss I'm Too Big For My Britches and Think I am Almost Four Like My Sister

Note: Most of the pictures were taken by my neighbor with her kick ass camera that I totally want.

Have a safe and happy Memorial Day...


ChrisB said...

These are all lovely photos and that last one of Audrey is particularly cute.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures (as always!!). I love a kick ass camera...what is it?

The last one of Audrey is SO cute...

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Ahhh! Happy Memorial Day! And good luck at the gym next week! Keep me posted!

CPA Mom said...

We have that Elmo book!!

I love the pictures. The girls are getting so big so fast!

Brooke - Little Miss Moi said...

Dear amy w. Your daughters are beautiful! And they look like they get on pretty well too. We don't have a memorial day in Ukraine but we've got a public holiday on Monday for Pentecost.

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

What kind of camera is it? Cuz me and my camera...we are gonna have a knock down, drag out fight real soon!

Love the pics! Alyssa is the same way. She wants to do everything her sisters are doing.

Julie said...

Looks like you had a nice time. How fun for Ashley to have her good friend on vacation with her. Have a great weekend - hopefully the VA traffic won't kill you!

Edie said...

Love the pics! *wink* *wink*

The camera is a Sony Alpha Digital SLR A100! It was my 30th birthday present from my husband and I abosolutely love it. Now, if I can just figure out how to use all those features I'll be doing good!! :)

Brown Eyed Girl said...

I love Picture Friday...

The girls are getting so big...already!

Erin said...

First - The kids are always so adorable to see!

Second - Look at you Miss skinny minny :) Quite a change from previous pictures - you look great!

my4kids said...

Pictures are so cute! Your friend does have a great camera.
I love the one of miss to big for her britches! She is just a cutie.

frannie said...

Ilove the photos! so cute!

Beccy said...

Gorgeous of gorgeous children (and mum)!

Beccy said...

Ooops, I meant: Gorgeous photos of gorgeous children (and mum)!

That Chick Over There said...

So sweet! I love your pictures.

Portrait of Peter said...

Oh, they are so sweet and luv the determination of your youngest too!!

My camera cannot compete with the quality of your photo's - mind you it could be me as the photographer!!

Have a wonderful weekend.

SJINCO said...

Great photos! The girls are getting so big, and as always are so cute. And look at you! Super skinny!! You look awesome.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

la bellina mammina said...

Your kids are just so adorable.

Lost A Sock said...

Yeahhhh! Friday Pictures!!

Great pics of the girls, and look at how thin you are! Holy moses!

Anonymous said...

Such cuties!!