Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Whose Child Is She??

Ray: 5'10"
Amy: 5'7"
Ashley: Pretty darn tall for being almost four

Audrey: Shorty-pants

Ray: Tan complexion
Amy: Tan complexion
Ashley: We think she is part Puerto Rican like her Grandpa

Audrey: Whitey-whitekins

Ray: Brown eyes
Amy: Brown eyes
Ashley: Brown eyes

Audrey: What the hell color is this?

Seriously, what color are her eyes?

We are off to Myrtle Beach for a few days for some rest and relaxation. Ray has been working a ton lately and has been looking forward to this for a while now. We are going down with our favorite neighbors, so I think Ashley will have a blast playing with her friend Hayden.

The facial and pedicure were great last night, but when I got home, I felt like ass. Headache, joint ache, feverish. I seriously thought I was coming down with the flu. This morning? Totally fine. Very, very weird.

I hope everyone has a great hump day...


Happy Working Mom said...

Very jealous about your vacation, and facial, and pedicure :) I hope you guys have a great time and that Ray is relaxed!

And as for clue :) But then we have me with green eyes, hubby with brown eyes, son with brown eyes, and daughter with blue idea.

Anonymous said...

Have a GREAT time in Myrtle Beach - I'm so jealous! Her eyes are beautiful, whatever color they are. They look bluish gray to me?!

Brown Eyed Girl said...

Enjoy your little getaway! So jealous..that my big getaway this year consists of 2 parts:

A) A trip to the UP to go to a niece's graduation.

B) A big move to a house with a pool.

CPA Mom said...

could be hazel? could be blue? I'll look closer this July. Obviously, she needs to come home with me. Tehehehehehehe Sometimes facials / massages and the like can make you feel like crap after as the "toxins" in your body are released. Seriously. When are you leaving for MB? Returning? Scope out where we can go this summer.

Anonymous said...

SO jealous about the mini-vacation and the facial and pedicure. BUt, you certainly deserve it!!

As for Audrey--Her eyes look like they have some blue? Some gray? Who cares--she's adorable :)

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

I am jealous of the vacay! I hope you guys have a great time!

I would say her eyes a blue-grey. That's what color eyes Kaylie has even though mine are brown (dark brown) and her dad's are green.

Supposedly brown is a dominant color. Yeah right.

Although, Alyssa's doc did say he sees some green and brown in hers so maybe, just maybe, she got a little something from me!

Shorty-pants! Lol.

Julie said...

I don't know, what color are you mailmans? Hardy har har - sorry, I couldn't resist. I would say her eys are a smokey green. Really helpful - I know.

Have a great mini vacation!

Emma in Canada said...

They look blue-grey to me. Whatever they are they are gorgeous. My daughter is 12 and her eyes just changed from brown to hazel. A bit freaky at that age.

frannie said...

have a great vacation!!!

her eye color? gorgeous! that's what color they are!

Kelly said...

Oh Myrtle Beach...cna I come with you?? I seriously loved it there and can't wait to go back..I'm thinking maybe in July...

As for Audrey's eyes...hmm no clue....they look kinda bluish..but then again maybe brown...

Anvilcloud said...

I've been married to a woman for 38 years and can't figure out here eye color. Tricolor I would say: some green, hazel and brown in the that order ... but maybe not those colors and not that order.

Anonymous Fat Blogger said...

I hope you have a great time on your little vacation! Be safe and relax!!

(You've got me about the eye color - sorry!)

That Chick Over There said...

I am JEALOUS of the vaca!

The eyes...gray.

ChrisB said...

Have a lovely relaxing vacation.

BS said...

Eye color - HAZEL (a catch all color when it isn't distinctively one color)

Lizarita said...

Slate...her eye color is slate.
(I think)
Jealous of your vacation! Have fun!

my4kids said...

Joshua is the same way in our family we can see resemblance with all the other kids but Joshua? He doesn't seem to come from the same mold. Very strange. I always joke with Kelly that he was switched in the nicu. I know its not very funny and I don't say that in front of him.

Wendy said...

Have fun in Myrtle Beach! Wish I was there:)

Scribbit said...

what color? Beautiful.

Wish mine were less-definable.

la bellina mammina said...

Whatever color it is, she has BEAUTIFUL EYES!;-)
Have a great vacation!

Lawyer Mama said...

They look hazel to me. My dad's eyes are that color. When he wears blue, they look blue, green, they look green, the rest of the time they look like that.

She has such beautiful eyes! We all have brown, brown, brown, and yeah, more brown!

SJINCO said...

Audrey has beautiful eyes, I would say they are hazel. And have a great time on your little get away!

I'm totally jealous! Oh, and I'm jealous of your spa day too!