"This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you've been awarded please pass it on to 7 others who you feel are deserving of this award."
I am truly honored she thought of me! And whatever my husband says about me being mean, just ignore him. It's only because I won't let him eat ice cream for dinner....
And this is who I am passing it on to:
CPA Mom - She is known across the blogging world for sending stuff to those having babies, those in need, or just because. Definitely inspiring.
SJ - Yes, I am totally allowed to nominate my best friend from high school. Am too. And she is totally nice, was then in high school, and she still is. I have my Chicken Poop lip balm to prove it.
Kellie - All of the comments Kellie leaves on anyone's blogs are thoughtful and well, just nice. I really don't think she even knows how to be mean. She's definitely been a positive influence on me.
The Cagle Clan - Go look up nice in the dictionary, and her and her family is pictured there. Seriously. I could not have picked a better neighbor or blogging friend or friend if I tried.
Lost a Sock - Another blogger who is definitely inspiring...her and her husband set goals in life and make sure they do what they can to make them. Like becoming a CFO like her husband just did and losing weight.
Happy Working Mom - Did she mention she watched three children FOR A WEEK so that her babysitter could go on vacation? Oh, and the youngest was 8 weeks old? Talk about being nice...(and this is totally for her....GO HOKIES, BEAT OHIO).
Abbilyeverafter - Someone else who I am sure does not have one mean bone in their body. Really. She oozes niceness even while living in Northern Virginia and all that traffic.
congrats on your award I will have to go check the links;)
Congrats on your award! And thanks for the nomination!
You are very nice. And well, I try to be :)
These are all nice people.
Unlike me, a mean bitch.
CONGRATS! Something's waiting for you at my blog ;-)
Congrats on your award, girl! You totally deserve it!! No matter what Ray says!
And, I totally agree with all of the people you gave the award to!
I'm a schmuck! I just saw your post today! Better late than ever - and thank you.
Congratulations on the award, and thank you for giving me one!! I don't know how I missed this entry a few days ago...
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