I thought I would share something that supposedly is a new custom to Halloween and may not have hit your neighborhood yet.
Driving around any suburban neighborhood in my part of the world, you will see some sort of sign in everyone's front door or windows that normally says "Boo" or has a picture of a ghost on it. It means they have been "Boo'd".
Basically, you package up a bag of goodies and include a cute poem, a sign for their window, and instructions to pass this along to two other neighbors within 24 hours. Here is Hallmark's version of the Boo package and poems...you can download all you need right there.

This year we were actually Boo'd twice. Once on Friday night and I forgot in all the craziness to put up my sign and then again on Saturday night. Ashley loves it, although now she is enthralled in drawing pictures every night and wants to boo everyone. I have tried to tell her it doesn't work that way...
Make sure you visit Scribbit for more Halloween ideas...
I love these! I would do it in my neighborhood, but I don't think anyone would "get" it. we have the most diverse neighborhood on the planet.
Yes we had this happan too! I was wodering where it started. Our's was called a visit from the Phantom
LOve this idea!! Haven't seen in it around here. Maybe I'll have to start it :)
I've never seen that = the hallmark link doesnt' work though....booo
I saw a "kit" at Wal-Mart and I was puzzled by it. Glad you explained better than the box did. No one appears to be doing it in our neighborhood. :(
What a cute idea, I have never heard of it! It sounds like something I would enjoy doing, but the fact that I like NONE of my neighbors kinda takes the fun right out of it.
Dangit! I was gonna post about this tomorrow. You beat me to it!! ;)
I love it - we do it in our neighborhood. Abby gets the biggest kick out of it!
So cool!
ooh! That wold be fun! We have 4 houses on our road so we would all get booed a lot:) Wesley will love this idea! Thanks for sharing!
What a fun idea! Too bad the only ones to 'Boo' around here are the cows out in the field.
These are SO FUN. We were involved in this last year in our neighborhood, and I loved it!
I guess it's not happening this year though as I haven't been boo'ed yet.
This is a really cute idea! I don't think it would work around here though. Too far apart and the bags might get too soggy since people probably don't want to walk down our trail.
What a great idea! We don't have any kids here in our "neighborhood" because I kind of live in the country, but it's a really neat idea for the kids! I haven't seen it anywhere around here.
I was first BOO'd 3 years ago and have put together bags each year since. Mostly it is done for the kids, but I put together "adult" ones and "sneak" them out to unsuspecting neighbors and co-workers. But always, put up the sign on my door - whether I have been BOO'd or not !!
I don't know how well this would work where I live, but I love the idea!
I think I'm gonna have to start this at my school...wouldn't it be fun to see all the signs hanging in the classroom windows. Maybe I will get it started in my room too!
reminds me of when Karmyn was very small and (first marriage) we lived in a college town. Halloween came and we went down the street, and some of the people were from foreign countries and didn't know why we were knocking on their door. It was embarrassing.
Boo hasn't made it to our neighborhood yet.
We got Boo'd (or Ghosted) one year and my kids were thrilled to turn around and Ghost their best friends. Turns out they were the ones who had Ghosted us and we spent Halloween passing the award back and forth. Yes, they're geniuses :)
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