And this is Ashley's first reaction.
Ashley is used to one of our neighbors dogs who is big and jumps on her all the time. Ashley warmed up quickly though. And Audrey? Watching her with the dog is hilarious. She goes from sheer joy to excitement to terrified to mad in the matter of a few seconds. She is so excited about the dog, but then we the dog puts her paws on her, she gets a little scared. And then she wants Tootles to just sit so she can pet her, and when Tootles doesn't, she gets pissed. She spent much of the first evening with Tootles chasing her through the house yelling "DOG, DOG, WAIT". It was quite cute.
Tootles is definitely a lap dog. She wants to be on someone at all times. And we were told she likes to sleep with people. Ashley wanted Tootles to sleep with her the first night, so she made a bed out of blankets on her floor. Ray went to read Ashley books, and Tootles got a little excited and ended up peeing on Ashley's blankets. I asked Ashley if she wanted Tootles to sleep with her when Ray was done reading to her, and her answer was an emphatic no. I think she was worried Tootles would pee on her. So Tootles slept with Ray and I, or rather me, as she slept on me most of the night. Then last night she slept more with Ray, which was nice since the dog had gas...ah, to be a pet owner again...
She's so cute :)
Morgan's funny with little dogs--they seem to freak her out at first. She's use to our Lab and Jimmy's parents' St. Bernard.
LOVE the pic of Ashley!! Poor kid--afraid the dog will pee on her :)
Congrats on the newest family member :)
So cute, that Tootles. Glad it worked out for you and you brought him home!
My kids love our dogs. They love all dogs, but Isaac goes from pure excitment to sheer freaked out too on occassion. It's funny.
Congrats! And have fun!
Horray for Tootles. When you leave the house do you say "Tootles Tootles"? sorry, I couldn't resist. I'm lame, I know.
Like you said, the joys of pet ownership! :) Tootles is cute!
Tootles is so cute...enjoy!
Ahh! I love Tootles already... congratulations!!!
Tootles looks just like out Lucy! Lucy is a pure bred mini dachschud, and very very sweet. They love sleeping in bed with you, the warmer the better! Enjoy.
Is that why you named him tootles? The doggy gas...ewww.
what a cutie!
Apparently you and I are living a parallel existence, except you're a twin and I have two extra children.
We got our new puppy in April and she is quite cute!
Tootles looks a sweet little dog and I'm sure she will provide you with lots of blogging material!
welcome to tootles! I can't wait to hear more dog stories! Ahh, that dog gas....
How cute! Love the name too :)
How exciting! I hope everyone enjoys your new member to the family.
How exciting!! Cute little guy! I think your daughters will get used to him...just takes a little while. Make sure that the food you are feeding him doesn't have too much grain in it....that will affect the "smell". :)
She definitely looks nervous -- my sister just got a miniature daschund (or however you spell it) and my daughter kept calling it a dash-hound. Cracked me up.
congratulations on having a new addition to your home.!!
I miss my dog.
Joshua was afraid of little dogs when he was little also. Big dogs no problem just the little ones made him nervous.
Cute dog and I love the "dog, dog wait" from Audrey!
The pic of Ashley looking a little scared was cute!
We really want a dog and our friends dog is due to have puppies any day, we are hoping to have a dog sometime in the new year when they are old enough. We are there quite a bit though so the new puppy will have plenty of time to get to know us and for us to find the right one from the litter!
Now that is one cute 'lil doggie. I love the name "Tootles", sounds like it fits her. Enjoy her!
How cute! The girls are just gonna love having a dog!! I think you and Ray will too! Can't wait for more pics!
What a cutie pie!
Dog gas... If only there was a way to fuel homes with it!
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