Ashley has been informing us for the past few months that Valentine's Day is her favorite holiday. Seriously. Even on Christmas day, if you asked her what her favorite holiday was, she would say Valentine's Day. And yes, I have asked her why, and she just says, "Because". Which to her is a perfectly good answer.
So this Valentine's Day, I want to make it special. I want her to wake up that day and have balloons in her room or hearts on her door (yes, I tend to go overboard, so sue me). Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Another way I plan on making it special is using the new promotion by Fruit Roll-Ups. I ordered my free Fruit Roll-Ups Valentines that I designed and will have for Ashley and Audrey on February 14th.
And now you can do the same.
Go to the Fruit Roll-Ups site and design away...and it doesn't have to be for Valentine's Day...they have birthday and other occasions as well.
One box of 30 customized rolls is $29.99 plus shipping, but I have three promotional codes for a free box and free shipping to give away. Just leave a comment with a cute Valentine's message or an idea for me for Ashley and Audrey, and you are entered to win...hurry, this in only open until Wednesday...
So this Valentine's Day, I want to make it special. I want her to wake up that day and have balloons in her room or hearts on her door (yes, I tend to go overboard, so sue me). Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Another way I plan on making it special is using the new promotion by Fruit Roll-Ups. I ordered my free Fruit Roll-Ups Valentines that I designed and will have for Ashley and Audrey on February 14th.
And now you can do the same.

One box of 30 customized rolls is $29.99 plus shipping, but I have three promotional codes for a free box and free shipping to give away. Just leave a comment with a cute Valentine's message or an idea for me for Ashley and Audrey, and you are entered to win...hurry, this in only open until Wednesday...
Happy Valentine's Day Ashley and Aubrey. Because.
And because I want a prize, if I'm being honest. :)
When I tried to order my freebies I discovered they can't ship to Canada and I had to back out of the tour. Which means I can't win either. ;-( But, Happy V Day!
Put out a trail of pink and red M&Ms that lead to something special in another room - sorta like the bread crumbs thingy in Hansel and Gretel.
I always do a scavenger hunt around the house for my two boys with a giant Hershey's Kiss at the end. I send them each on their own hunt and they have to track down several clues before they get to their prize. I generally write the clue, plus have a clip art picture to help them solve the clue. (The pictures were especially helpful when they didn't know how to read yet.) If the weather is nice, I try to send them outside or to the garage for at least one of their clues. They love the hunt and the reward!
I do heart shaped foods all day... heart shaped pancakes, heart shaped cookies, heart shaped peanut butter sandwiches or grilled cheese sandwiches, then heart shaped quesidillas. We also use a lot of pink sprinkles or good coloring (like pink eggs or toast with pink icing). I love the "off" holidays... valentines, st. patty's, etc.
The heart shaped foods is a big hit and Aubrey LOVES to help with the cookie cutters! I have 5 or 6 different size hearts, so everything can be BIG or SMALL hearts and she decides.
how about sending cupcakes to their day care? we always each got a little box of those valentine hearts. that was more than enough.. but we were 'poor'. so.. anyway, only do what you're willing to do for at least several years in a row... or, how about letting them have a friend over for dinner and make cookies? like a surprise.. send the friend home with some of the cookies..? always always there are those little animals that sing, OR you could get a regular one and tie a balloon to its paw...! umm dedicate a song to them on the radio?
does that help at all? :-)
Mine are on their way.....
And well, don't count me in. I just wanted to comment.
Happy Valentines Day to your girls, I'm sure it'll be special.
Those are so neat...I would LOVE to win them or be able to order them but I'm in Canada. You still get an idea from me though. I love everyone's ideas and I think I would do ALL of I once blew up enough balloons (red white and pink) and put them on sticks (you can buy the sticks at party stores and even dollar stores here in Canada) and 'plant' them all oer the lawn.By the way I found your blog from Abbily Ever After.
OOHHH YUMMY fruit roll-ups...I would love to win them! SO some Ideas for valentines day...ok here goes...I've got a couple:
Idea #1
Valentine's Day Breakfast -
Set a Valentine breakfast table that will surprise your family when they wake up. Cover your table with a white table cloth or sheet. Cut paper hearts in a variety of sizes and scatter them over the top of the table.
Add some sequins and/conversation hearts for extra color. Place a few fresh, tissue paper or candy flowers in a vase. Pancakes in heart shape form or Use a large heart shaped cookie cutter to cut the the French toast. Top with thawed frozen strawberries (or fresh) and make a heart with canned whipped cream. Make a pink smoothie with berries, frozen yogurt and milk.
Idea #2
Make a sack lunch special...
Turn a regular ham and cheese or PB&J sandwich into a Valentine surprise, using the same cookie cutter that you used for the French toast. Or, use a smaller heart cookie cutter to cut slices of cheese and provide crackers in the lunch as well. Add a few "hugs and kisses" chocolates and a special note with stickers on a paper napkin.
Idea #3
Write a message in red lipstick on their mirrors in the morning...something like "Happy Valentines Day", "You are so sweet" or maybe just even just drawing a heart a heart. This way they will see it first thing in the morning.
Idea #4
Valentine's day dinner...
Many pizza parlors offer heart shaped pizza’s on this special day.
Or, use a heart shaped cake pan to make a meatloaf.
Add a special drink and dessert like cupcakes that you and the kids decorate together.
"Cupids Delight" Cherry Float
cherry 7-up, vanilla ice cream, whipped cream and a maraschino
cherry on top.
End the evening with a game hearts or a family movie. Try a favorite romantic comedy, or kid-friendly Disney movies like Cinderella or Beauty and the beast...Ahh what a special day!
Idea #5
Buy them both new outfits to wear especially for Valentine's Day..but don't give them the outfits until that morning.
Ok..I think I'm out of ideas...hope that helps...oh yea..most of those ideas were compliments of my lovely google search...but hey it saves you time from doing it right??
My mom always made each of us a giant chocolate chip cookie heart for Valentine's Day - with frosting and everything! I have now continued the tradition with hubby and my kids. My sister still makes them for all of us as well. It's a neat thing to look forward to every year!
Every year, my mom got us one of those solid milk chocolate I (heart) U sets. I was so sad when she decided I got old enough and stopped doing it. I still buy myself one most years.
Have cupid come visit -- while she is sleeping decorate her room and bed with hearts and glitter and such. She will love it when she wakes up!
And I want fruit roll ups!
Happy Valentines day!!!!
My mom use to make us pancakes shaped like hearts and then cut our sandwiches for lunch into hearts and add red food colouring to everything!!!!
You could make a t-shirt and put a group of photos of people who love the girls.
for my kids I made a clothes line of hearts and I put photos of people in each one and then put a string from one end of the front room to the other and hung them by clothes pins. The kids love it and every year we add new ones with all their new friends and family photos.
Even though I am in Canada, I would LOVE to win adn have a US shipping address....please pick me!!!
I would love a promotional code!
ideas-- hmm... everyone wear red or pink that day- even Mom and Dad
cut out sandwiches into heart shapes for lunch.
buy 2 cheap pairs of white canvas shoes-- k-m@rt or so-- and let the girls paint their own in V-day motif.
use cookie cutters to cut out puff pastry into heart shapes. bake. place one on the bottom. top with whip cream. top with strawberries, place another pastry on top! cute!!
That is a really cute idea. No ideas though so you don't have to enter me.
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