Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hope in a Contest....

Supposedly on Friday the letters were mailed out by our county to tell us if Ashley got into the magnet school or not. Theoretically, we should have received those on Saturday. Others did, but we did not. So yesterday, Edie went home early for Hayden's dance class fully expecting the letter to be there.

And it wasn't.

With each passing day, I am losing hope. I really want Ashley to go to this one specific school, and waiting for some damn letter telling me whether she got in or not sucks.

Today, we have a neighbor who works from home watching for the mail truck and she is going to call Edie if letters are indeed in our mailbox. Keep your fingers crossed.

In the meantime, Edie needs some help. A tagline help. From all you really, really creative people. And there is a prize! Something we all need (or at least I do...).


Anonymous said...

I love that a neighbor is watching for the mail truck!!

Here's to the letters being in the mail today AND to the girls getting in :)

Edie said...

Let's hope today is the day!!

Thanks for mentioning my contest. Hopefully, I'll get a great tagline!! :)

Sabrina said...

If you don't get in, the school said that there were ways to still appeal and get in. I will help you with that, but the message I got was that if you really wanted in, if you followed the correct appeal process, then you'd get in. You'd better call me k?

Happy Working Mom said...

I feel for you guys...I can't imagine the stress.

I hope the letters come today!

Lori said...

hope you get your letters today... don't you just hate playing the waiting game??

Julie said...

finger's crossed!

Pam said...

Here's hoping the letters were there!

Laura said...

fingers crossed for you---good luck!

FENICLE said...

We are in a similar situation with a private school for kindergarten with our son. It does suck!

Congrats! You won the ThinkBlocks set from Props & Pans. I sent you an e-mail.

Erin said...

I got mine on Saturday - Matthew got into Farmington Woods! My top magnet school :-) So, I'm excited :-) Hope Ashley got in to the school you want!

frannie said...

good luck!!!!!