I love this age, where everything is done with freedom and something as simple as the moon in the sky can make Audrey scream with excitement.

Despite her weekend full of snot, she has had so much personality lately. I think what I love the most is how much she interacts and wants to interact with her sister. Everything is sister this or sister that. I am trying to teach Ashley to say "no thank-you" when Audrey offers her stuff, which she is constantly doing. And Audrey is doing things so much faster than Ashley did, which is actually kind of scary. There is the Hannah Montana and High School Musical watching (High Musical to Audrey). There is the mostly going on the potty. Last week, she came home counting to ten in spanish.

There are still issues with her bedtime routine, which Ray will tell you is all my fault and that they go to bed just fine for him. She is constantly coming out of her room and giving us stuff, like her blankets and pillows. I assume it's just an excuse to get out of her room. This past weekend, she slept in bed with us when she wasn't feeling well. The one night we had the fan on and it was cold to me. But I could not get her to stay under the covers. You would think someone as little as she is would be cold and want to be covered up, but not her.

Saturday we were playing and I thought she was pooping and asked if she was. She responded that she wasn't. I told her she was lying and she said, "I not Lying, I'm Audrey." And she was very adamant about it.

On our quick outing on Sunday, we went to the bookstore and through the drive-thru at Starbucks for Mother's Day. If there is one thing Audrey will eat, it's french fries. We pull up to order, and Audrey immediately starts screaming out, "I want french fries Mommy!". We had to convince her it was not a french fry shop.
How someone so little and who eats so little has so much energy is beyond me...
She is quite the cutie!
It's amazing how much she looks like Ashley!
That's one beautiful child you have there!!
So darn cute. Lucky her - all that energy on little fuel - we should all be so lucky! : )
I, too, can't believe how much Audrey is saying these days. She's growing up so fast. LOVE the pics!! Super Cute!
She's getting so big.
Casey is like that when we pull up to anywhere through a drive thru..even the bank.
She stars asking for "birthday meal" since Happy and Birthday go together like Happy and Meal do.
Too funny.
She should give Casey some potty tricks though. Casey has no desire. AT ALL.
what a cutie! I love the I'm not lying I'm Audrey comment... that is a hoot!
I love those pictures!!! It is so funny, whenever I read about Audrey, it's like I am reading about Alyssa. They are both teeny tiny balls of bull-headed energy!!
Of course, Alyssa still sleeps in her crib and we are not really trying to potty train.
What a cutie...love all the expressions!
What a sweet post about Audrey!!
I do love hearing about her, as she and Jack are both seconds and also the same age. He, too, is into everything his brother is into, and while it is sometimes cute, I also sometimes think, TOO FAST!
How sweet she is.
Super cute photos! And the reason you are so tired...you have two little ones. That's the reason!
very self aware, that one.
Really love these shots of her.... That's a kid with attitude!! :-)
Does she take up most of the bed too? I remember Hubby and I clingling to the sides of the bed while my little one was spread eagle in the middle! Those pics...are PRICELESS!!!
Such a sweet post! And I love the photos. I can't believe how big she's gotten!
Oh wow! She is just so cute & those pics just really capture her so well! :)
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