This week has been long, and it's 10:34pm and I am trying to get pictures posted for this post, and I am dead tired. I started a new job, Tuesday met a friend for dinner, Wednesday night had Bunco, tonight I had band practice and all kinds of stuff I needed to do when I got home. This after I got up at 5:30am to go to Greenville, NC for training. I got to drive through the smoke that engulfed our area today from the forest fires in the eastern part of the state. The girls didn't get to go outside at school today because of the air quality.
So I am only posting a few...I only had a few to go through anyway. Ray's Mom bought the girls one of those inflatable water slides when we were in Virginia a few weekends ago. It's small enough so that Audrey can climb up it by herself, and the kids love it. These are actually only picutres of Ashley on it. At the time, Audrey was napping.
And we have moved it from our driveway (not really safe if Audrey were to fall off) to our backyard, which of course had a snake in it last weekend. The snake was chased away, some green sort of snake, and snake away was put around our backyard. I am hoping that's all it needs. 

Looks like a summer of water fun!
How fun!! Minus the snake part :)
Hope you can relax a bit this weekend!!
What fun!
If I ever saw a snake in my backyard I don't think I'd ever go back there again. Ewwww!
hope you get some rest this weekend,,, but I'm sure you won't.
the slide looks like great fun!
Ashlyn is on her way over to join the fun!
WOW - that looks like so much fun!
That's awesome! My kids would love one of those!
Maybe I would too.
I used to live in Greenville. :)
OMG! Looks like such fun! Would you happen to know the name brand of the one they bought? I have been dying to get one for the kids!!!
Those are some great pictures! I love the bright colors.
Um, yeah, I am terrified of snakes.
Yikes! Snakes!!! I hate them. The water slide looks like it would be GREAT for the kids. They'll have hours of fun on that thing!!
jealous of that, to. (:
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