Remember this? When I took out the right side mirror of the van at a Sonic drive-thru? And it stayed that way until yesterday when we traded in the beat up van for a new one.
So we have a brand new van and Ray's blue Honda Civic. Which we all love.
Yesterday was crazy in the evening. Ashley had cheerleading (which is a whole post all by itself...) and it was also an open house at her school. So we took Audrey to a neighbor's house and I dropped off Ray at school, then went and dropped off Ashley at practice and went back to school for the open house. That ended, and I drove Ray back so he could get Audrey and then I would go for the end of Ashley's practice. We saw our wonderful neighbors on a walk with Audrey one street from our street. I pulled over, let Ray out and then went up a little bit and turned around in the parking lot for the new playground near our house.
Next thing I know, Ray is screaming at me, and something hits the car. And does this. 
No freaking way. The DAY we get rid of the van with the missing mirror, and FREAKING DEER runs out of the woods smack into my car (really Ray's car, and he is not too happy at this point) and takes out the right hand side mirror on it. There are also some dents in the door. Oh, and lots of deer hair.
I never even saw the deer. Ray says it flipped over the car and got up and ran away. I had no clue what hit the car.
Our luck has to turn around, right?
I have been saying that lately about our luck. I posted pictures of my husband's honda civic from his accident last Friday. I'm just thankful he's alive. I told him I really don't even care about bills right now. I'm just numb from everything that has happened this year. I do have to say, I think I will always be sold on Honda's though for keeping him so safe. I'm glad we have our honda odyssey now too.
I think you'd keep our body shop in business....are you thinking of relocating? :)
Glad you are OK and hope you don't have anymore vehicle mishaps!
well at least it wasn't the new van... sorry things keep going wrong with your cars!
Oh craaaaaap.....that sucks!! Sorry :(
How horrible!
And did I miss it?? What type of van did you end up getting???
Face it, you guys are meant to have a car with no side mirror! Glad everything is ok and no-one was hurt (even the deer). At leaset it wasn't the new van!
Oh, Amy, you poor thing. I cannot even believe your luck. I have to say though I was holding my breath that you weren't going to say it was your brand, spankin' new van. Thank God!! Be safe out there.
sheesh - what are the odds!? sorry to hear it but yeah, at least it wasn't the new van!
Those darn deer! Seriously . . . I grew up in the Midwest and we were ALWAYS on the lookout for those friggin' things . . . it's like they magically appear out of nowhere!!!
I'm just glad you weren't driving fast on a highway - that's major damage and can be a major accident.
And, glad it wasn't the new van :-)
that is just unreal!!!
Yikes! I am soooo sorry to hear of your mishap. At least no one was hurt! Hope your luck turns around!
Yikes! Glad you're okay though. And as everyone else said, at least it wasn't the brand-spanking-new van! Speaking of...what did you end up with?
Way back when we drove an old '70s Pontiac that we called the Tank, my husband came home and said, "I think I hit a deer." "You think? You don't know?" The only evidence was fur stuck in the rust spots.
That car was impossible to even dent.
Dude, you never saw the deer? How is that possible!?
We had a deer run out in front of us just last night, and it scared the pee out of me.
I'm sorry about the car! But I'm glad it was that and not the brand new van! SO. Tell us, what kind of van did you get!?
Thank goodness you guys were not hurt. WOW!
OMG...I so can't believe that happened! Thats the problem with those darn deer they pop out of nowhere!!! So how long are you going to drive around with the mirror?
(sorry, just had to say it.)
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