Tuesday, August 05, 2008


I was tagged by Jen at One Mom's World to post 6 random things about my life right now:

  1. I have only one class to finish in my Master's Degree in Elementary Education and will only have student teaching left to do in the spring or next fall. Once that class is done, there will be much celebrating. I am tired of staying up late writing papers and dealing with passive agressive learning team members.
  2. My twin brother is getting married this month in Tennessee. The girls and I are in the wedding.
  3. I still have curtains that need sewing. Maybe when that last class is done, I can actually do them.
  4. Between keeping track of things for Ashley for school (today she had to wear a pattern, last night she had a homework assignment to count the spoons in our house) and keeping track of things for Audrey for school (Thursday is water play day, the end of the month is spirit week where there is something she has to bring or wear everyday) I may very well lose my mind.
  5. Ray literally stole the pillow out from underneath my head in the middle of the night. I guess he forgot I was in bed. He did apologize though.
  6. It is going to be 100 degrees here today. I sweated just walking Ashley to the bus stop this morning.

I was also tagged by Our Moments for the embarrassing song tag. I have to list 5 songs I am embarrassed to say I like. Don't judge...

  1. "Here I Am" by Jasmine Richards from the Camp Rock Soundtrack. And yes, I listen to that CD even when the kids are not in the van...
  2. "Flying Rock Song" by the Backyardigans. I have no idea why.
  3. "The Rose" by Bette Midler. I heard it on So You Think You Can Dance last week, and remembered how much I loved that song. I immediately went and downloaded it to my Ipod.
  4. "One in a Million" by Hannah Montana. It is a cute song. She rocks.
  5. "Leavin'" by Jesse McCartney. I know, I am really 32 years old, not 12.

Anyone who wants to play along, join in!


Julie said...

The whole Camp Rock CD is pretty good. I also like Hasta La Vista - yes, the rap one.

erin nyc said...

LOL-- "The Rose" is a closet favorite of mine. As a self-proclaimed indie-rock music maven, I don't regularly broadcast that it is one of the few songs I can still play on the piano. Glad to hear there are other fans out there.

Kelly said...

I am just catching up on your last couple posts..sorry I was behind! Love the pics of the girls..they are beautiful!

Mel said...

I didn't know you were getting your master's in elementary education. You can come student teach with me!!

Laura said...

I HEART the Backyardigans!!!!!!!!

Ski Patrollers on the go...
You gotta hold on tight, with all your mighty might...
Skate straight ahead...

Oh, I could go on...just as my van CD player goes on and on with the Backyardigans blaring... Wonder how Uniqua and Tyrone would sing The Rose?!?!?! hmmmmmm.....

Thanks for sharing!

CPA Mom said...

dude, same issues with the daycare right now - between Tigger's 2x week field trips (have to do laundry more often so he can wear the mandatory center shirt on the trips) and Eeyore's 2-3 times a week activities (swim - must remember to send in the suit!) and now spirit week with something every day, I may lose it. I keep forgetting popsicle friday too (25 cents each)

SJINCO said...

I'm amazed at how much I cram into my brain to 'remember' and amazed that for the most part - I remember.

Me and the kids have been rocking out to tons of kids cd's lately and so far I'm liking them all. I can't think of any songs that I'm embarrassed to admit that I like though - I'm a music whore. I like most everything.