And now I am pissed...blogger just ate my post, and I really don't feel like retyping it. Here is an abridged version:
I have no pictures this Friday. I was at a Girl Scout meeting last night, and got home in time to watch College Football/DNC coverage and crash.
And yes, I am co-leading a Girl Scout troop this year with my friend. We are excited about it...I think it's going to be a great year. But first and foremost, we need to learn the Girl Scout Promise. Last night at the kick-off meeting we were standing right in front of the area leader when we were supposed to recite the promise. Ooops. I mumbled something not even remotely correct and sat down. I guess I have some memorizing to do.
This weekend is busy - we are going to clean the house from top to bottom, I am scrapbooking, a neighbor is having a cookout, and we are watching a friend's daughter.
And September is turning out to be even busier - Ashley's cheerleading will be in full swing with her cheering at football games on Saturdays, Ray is going on a guys trip to Myrtle Beach for golf, Audrey has her ultrasound for her urinary tract infection she had in July, and Ashley is tracked out of school for three weeks. One week she will be in a YMCA camp, one week she is going to visit Grandparents, and one week we are going to Disney.
Oh, and our Girl Scout Troop meetings start. I am thinking we will not be wearing this as a troop leader...

Dude! If all troop leaders were wearing those outfits I would have volunteered to lad the pack!!
sounds like you will be busy
WOW - after a busy summer, I always wrongly think September will be never is!
How wonderful that you are helping out with the girl scout troop.
Cannot wait to hear cheerleading stories!
If you wore those uniforms, I bet all the Dads would bring their little girls to the meetings!! HAHA!!
September sounds super busy--I need a break just reading about all you have going on :)
I bet you'd sell a lot of cookies though!
You are gonna be busy, girl. Good luck. What does that song say, "Wake me up when September comes"...I think you are going to want to do a lot of sleeping through it. Good luck with that promise.
Sounds like the school year is starting out with a bang for you! It'll be fun watching cheerleading though...don't you think? And I love the Girl Scout Uniform...hahahahaha
What? You don't want to wear that???? Why not> SHEESH!
I LOVED doing girl scouts with my daughters! I miss it, now that they are older and decided to give it up :(
Have fun!
even the girl scouts are sluts, now??? :)
Good for you for taking on a troop!!
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