Thursday, September 18, 2008

Memes and Awards...

I have received some awards and such, and here they are (apologies for being so late with them!):

3XMom nominated me for this sparkly award:
Here are the rules:

1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog.
2. Link to the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs. (or however many you want)
4. Put links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you have nominated.

Nominating CPAMom, SJ, Sabrina, Moments, Happy Working Mom, Lori, Kellie

Lori at Teacher Turned Mommy (who I would love to meet her and her adorable boys when in Florida, but she is still too far away...) tagged me for this meme:

Post a picture of you and your kids (not the most flattering pic of me...oh well):

Then answer the following questions:
1. How many children do you have? 2 girls
2. What are their ages? Ashley is 5, Audrey will be 3 in January
3. What time of day do you start your day? 6:00am
4. What do you eat for breakfast? Fiber One bar
5. Do they watch TV? Yup, Disney Channel addicts
6. What are their favorite activities? Ashley loves cheerleading, and well, actually Audrey does too.
7. Do you get a break during the day from them? I work full-time outside of the home
8. How do you end your day? in bed, arguing with Ray over what to watch while I attempt to stay awake
9. What is your best parenting advice or tip? be patient and flexible

Anyone who wants to join in, feel free!

Lori also awarded me two awards...I am flattered!

I nominate Julie and Giants Fan.
I nominate Common Mom, Mel, BoufMom9, Terri.

Glad that's I am begin the countdown to Disney...


CPA Mom said...

Thanks!! Send me the html for the button and I'll put it up and pass it on. I know you are excited Disney is getting closer!! Start packing yet?

Lori said...

awww thank you for the bling and the praise!

SJINCO said...

Awww! Thanks for the nomination my dear! I'll be sure to pass it along...

Love the other meme too, I might have to steal it.