Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January Birthdays

I feel bad for Audrey and all the other people who have January birthdays. They seem to get lost in the shuffle. Heck, I haven't even bought Audrey's present yet, and her birthday party is Saturday. I still have goodie bags to make and balloons to get. Oh, and cupcakes to buy for her party at school on Friday. I definitely need to make a note about that otherwise I will be rushing out of work early on Friday and completely forget.

I asked Audrey the other night what she wanted for her birthday. A purse was high in the list (of course we probably have 20 laying around the house for her and Ashley), a necklace, and chocolate. The girl at least knows what she wants!


Brandi said...

Yes I have three Jan. birthdays in my house. The twins and Savanna. We are doing a combined family party this weekend, and she gets $15 to take to Five Below. Not doing much this year. Happy birthday to Audrey!

Loukia said...

Hello, first time visiting your blog! I too have my baby boy turning 1 this Sunday and I have barely had a moment to organize his birthday party! I have the cake ordered and I did just buy his birthday present, but other then that... there is still some work to do!

Pamela said...

chocolate. Now thats my idea of a great birthday present.

My eldest granddaughter turned 12 -- January 14.

SJINCO said...

I feel this very same way about December birthdays, since Keven Jr's birthday is a week before's really tough to keep it all together.

Audrey sounds like she's got a good head on her shoulders, a purse & chocolate. Awesome selections in my opinion!

Frannie said...

I have a january b-day. and almost every year it falls on what scientists have determined is the most depressing day of the year.

yay me! LOL

SC said...

Thanks for owning up to the fact the January b-days do get lost in the shuffle... as a January baby I have tended to feel that way a few times, but at this stage of my life I am over it (although it doesn't really sound like it - does it!!) LOL!!!

Nonetheless... when your a kid its a big deal if you feel lost in the shuffle (which I highly doubt Audrey does) but when she gets to in her 30s and 40s, I am sure she will love the fact that her birthday goes a bit under the radar!!!