Thursday, February 05, 2009

Fitness Goals

Yes, I realize it is February 5 and I am a little late in making my fitness goals for 2009 (of which I am still writing 2008 on everything...).

Better late than never.

In 2007, I lost 60 pounds and want to never look back at that. Last year, I kind of took the year off. I didn't exercise as regularly as I should and pretty much gave up any eating healthy for the holidays.

So I want to get back on track now. And nothing like writing this all down for everyone to see to hold me accountable.

  1. I want to be more flexible. I work out now with a neighbor 2 nights a week at our gym. We go on Monday and Wednesday nights and thanks to her, I have been stretching alot more than I would if it were just me going to the gym. I want to be able to touch my toes without bending my knees from a standing position. I realize there are many of you who can probably do this, but I am just not a flexible person. And last night at the gym, I had a breakthrough. I was sitting on the floor in a "V", and I could actually touch my toes (with one leg bent, but hey, it's a step in the right direction).
  2. I want to run at least four 5Ks this year. I know I will already run the Race for the Cure and the Thanksgiving Day one in Myrtle, but I want to find two others to do as well.
  3. And speaking of races, I want to increase my speed. I have already been working on that by doing interval training on the treadmill at the gym.
  4. I also plan on doing Julian's 30 Day Shred for a consecutive 30 days starting today. Okay, maybe not consecutive because I am scrapbooking this weekend, so I won't do it Saturday, but pretty darn close to consecutive. Let's say six days a week for a month. I am hopeful for some results.
  5. Finally, my long term goal is to run a half-marathon in 2010. And I will give you one guess as to which one I want to run....

That's it. Not really earth-shattering, but something to work on. And I like having some things that are tangible, like being more flexible and increasing my speed. Hopefully I can update here in a month or so and let you know how I am doing.


SJINCO said...

Woot! You are crazy like me with The 30 Day Shred...

Last night was (almost) consecutive day #7 for me. I skipped a few nights for various reasons but I've done it almost daily otherwise. It's intense, but once you build up your endurance it gets easier. And I DO see results, so I'm sure you will see them too. Actually by day #4 I saw some results....

GOOD LUCK with your goals! Maybe I should post mine too, I've been working really hard (down 14 pounds since September!).

Erica said...

Delurking to say I did the 30 day shred one day and was crying by the next. I did the level one, but it still kicked my hiney. I'm glad to see in your comments it gets easier. Good luck w/ your fexibility goals and marathons. Awesome!

Jaki said... guess on the 1/2 marathon....the one at Disney World?

That Chick Over There said...

That 30 day shred? I threw up when I got to the 2nd part. Seriously. It's HARD!

But if my fat ass can do it, I know you can! ROCK ON!

Pamela said...

I want increase my "walking".. I'm so way past running at my age. Everything rattles.

But, I love to walk. I want to get up to 5 miles a day. (my previously broken leg just has to quit complaining.)

Carmen said...

Angels Among Us is in late April at Duke. It has lots of stuff for the kids..bouncy houses, good food. I would love to do one with you.

Natalie said...


Congratulations on all of your weight loss success. that is amazing. And, thanks for the tip about the 30 day shred. I've seen others post about it too, but didn't know much about it. I'll have to check it out.