Sunday, July 30, 2006

A New Chapter in Picture Taking

The first time I took both girls to get their pictures taken, it was a nightmare. Ray was in Vegas for a real estate conference (I know, and he didn't even come home with any winnings) and Audrey was about a month old. My Mom was staying with me to help out. We had an appointment to get the pictures done on Thursday, so of course Tuesday night Ashley spends most of the night up with a fever. Same goes for Wednesday but I am determined to get the pictures done. So off we go, double stroller and all, to the mall to Sears. Everything ended up being a battle. Ashley refused to go in the stroller (it is one of those sit and stands strollers)wanting to neither sit nor stand, but instead wanted me to carry her the whole time. We get to Sears, and the lady doing the pictures was horrible. We kept bribing Ashley with chocolate to at least attempt a smile, but nothing worked and of course in the end, she had chocolate anyways. Audrey was crying (she never cries) so the only pictures I have her eyes are bloodshot. It finally ended, and we hurried home.

And then there was today. We went to Portrait Innovations, and what a change from the last experience. We had a main guy taking the pictures, and he would ask for help when he needed from the many people working there. They had great props (only unfortunately for us that included a white hat Ashley refused to take off) and both the kids did great. Okay, maybe not great, but we got some great pictures from it. I will be posting pictures from the cd they gave us all week. At the end, they had taken 86 pictures. It was so hard to narrow down, but I narrowed it down to 10.


Anonymous Fat Blogger said...

Those pics came out great! I love getting Bug's pictures taken but unfortunately she doesn't always feel the same...LOL

Michele_3 said...

What beautiful pictures!
I have to take my boys to get pictures together- it's been awhile..