The first Christmas Decoration Related Injury occured last night. Ashley was playing with her stocking when she pulled it and the stocking holder off the mantle to the top of her head. Thank goodness the cut was only superficial as I was not prepared to take her to an Urgent Care for stitches.

And alas, our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree.
AWWWWWW poor thing!!
The tree looks so cute! So not Charlie Brown!!
I think your tree looks great! And I agree, not Charlie Brown'ish at all.
Glad to hear that Ashley is okay, those things are really heavy! I'll keep that in mind when I hang our stockings...
So glad Ashley wasn't hurt! I think you and I have the same tree, lmao.
No way is that a Charlie Brown tree! looks GREAT!
I had a Charlie Brown tree one year, when my husband & I were first married- we bought one of those small trees that sit on a stand(Definitely Charlie Brown style..)LOL!
Glad Ashley was ok, My son's have done that exact thing before as well..
Your tree is nice! And I'm totally waiting for the stocking-holder-falling-on-head incident at OUR house...we've come close.
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