First up are shoes. Since I do a lot of walking from my car to my office every day, I need a good pair of comfortable shoes that I can wear with everything. You heard it right, I tend to wear the same pair of shoes every day to work. And then with jeans on the weekends. I am weird, I know, but spending money on shoes is just not something I do. I do however own many flip flops. I would be in heaven if I could wear those everyday! Anyways, these are a pair of Nine West shoes. I actually have a pair of the Cloud 9 ones that I bought at an outlet store. Very, very comfy and they look similar to these.

Next up are jeans. I live in jeans on the weekends and you can't beat the price I paid for these this weekend. These are Levis Mid-Rise Boot cut and I bought them at Target. Yup, Target and they were on sale this weekend for $16. You can't beat that.

I need coffee most mornings due to the fact I have kids that like to get up at the crack of dawn. Ray and I used some coupons a couple of years ago at Bed, Bath and Beyond to purchase this rather expensive coffee maker. What we love about it is that it grinds and brews and is programmable. If only it would actually clean itself, fill itself back up with water, a filter and coffee, we just might use the programmable feature more often.

I am not a person who wears a ton of makeup. But I do need a little something since my face needs something to even out the skin. I found this stuff (again, at Target) and it is great. Not heavy, but does the job.

Last, but not least is my favorite baby product. And good grief, I bought this at Target too and it was only $19. It is a chair that attaches to a table for Audrey to sit in at restaurants (we wish we had this for Ashley). It is great because most high chairs at restaurants are dirty or they sit to low to the table. Plus, with this, Audrey can actually sit back and be comfortable. We can actually enjoy our meals.

I love the list! I'm with you on the jeans and comfy shoes, the jeans especially. I only have about 5 pairs, but I wear them like EVERYDAY! Sometimes I think people wonder if I own anything else, lol.
I'm running to Target to check out those jeans!!
Sounds like you love your TARGET- Just as much as I do! LOL!
I love my jeans from there too-
Take Care :)
(cute post)
Great list!
This is the best idea. If you don't mind, I just might steal it and use it myself!
Also (now that I've stolen your ideas I suppose I should introduce myself...) Hi! I'm new here!
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