Today's Fun Monday challenge was created by Karmyn at Dreaming What Ifs. Her challenge was an object or objects that have a special place in our hearts.
I have two objects, one old and one new. The new one is this - my bassoon. For those of you who don't normally read here, I play in my town's community band. And yes, I was a total band geek in school. At one point in time, I wanted to major in music, but then I came to my senses and realized a) I wasn't that good and b) musicians don't get paid enough. I hope and pray that maybe I can pass this down to Ashley or Audrey to play in band. Music is a huge part of me and I want the same for my kids.
Whoa! I didn't know you played the bassoon??? How cool!
The ring is beautiful, and what a great idea for Ray to get you one!
Love the bassoon! Now everybody's gonna want one. I wish I was musical.
Love the ring too...but, wow! A bassoon!
What a lovely ring. And a lovely bassoon, too!
Love your precious items, I'd love to be musical - does the recorder count?
I also love the idea of a ring with everyones birthstones, I hope you get yours in May.
Wow!! You play the bassoon. I'm impressed! It was such a hard instrument to even produce sound on for me in my woodwinds class. (I'm an instrumental and vocal music teacher.) I'm so glad that you've kept music in your life!
I just love that ring it is so pretty and the birthstones are a wonderful idea.
That ring is a wonderful idea! I have a charm bracelet that has a charm that represents hubby and me (two hearts connected) and then a little girl with..oh, I forget what the pink jewel is...anyway, on her dress, and then a little boy charm with saphires on him. My daughter loves when I wear it because she always looks for each of the charms, and when she finds them, she says "there's me! and there's my brother!"
Have you thought about resizing the ring?
I posted about a ring today also.
I play the clarinet and the basoon.
Bassoon, what a cool choice of instruments...did you choose it because no one else did?
But the ring.....I love the significance of the birthstones, and I HOPE your husband picks up on the not-so-subtle hint (ha!)
Hmmm, I couldn't key in my TypePad blog...oh, well, you can follow the links back from the old (Blogger) blog. I like seeing my old avatar again, anyhow :).
I want to start doing these Favorites or Photo Hunter things..but that would require me actually dumping the picture to be uploaded to my post. That would require me to be mildly organized.
We'll see how that works out for me.
I love both your old and new, both such great treasures. I myself can't play, sing or even HUM a musical note. So not musically inclined but I respect anyone that is so so much.
As for the ring, yeah Ray get on that. I just asked for pearl earrings for my 2nd hole so that I will wear both the kids birthstones in my ears. We'll see if I get them for Mother's Day.
Ahhh, from one band geek to another!!
I too want my kids to appreciate music like I do and hopefully play an instrument of some kind when they get older. And I cherish my clarinet with all my heart. I can see why you cherish your basssoon.
And the ring is beautiful. It's a nice thing to cherish and a nice piece to pass on to your girls.
How sentimental.
Oh, I would love to have been a band geek. I'm jealous. I don't have a musical bone in my body.
The ring is special. My friend's parents divorced when she was very young. Her mom gave her a ring very much like yours and her dad gave her a gold chain. She still wears that necklace to this day...keeping her parents together in her heart. I hope someone gets the hint, hint, hint for Mother's Day.
bassoon? wow!!!
and the ring could ge resized huh?
I'd like to get one those rings also. That's so cool that you have your mom's ring.
I use to play the violin. I miss it sometimes.
You are officially the first person I've met who plays the bassoon. Can you also get along on other woodwinds or is the bassoon totally unique?
Beautful ring, perhaps, you could have it resized to fit you.
You know, I believe you are the first bassoon player I've ever met. Excellent!!.....Belay that, I was just reading the comments and it seems Vicki plays too (but she's never mentioned it before). Go figure!
How nice that you have something so special from your mom!
Happy Fun Monday!
Yeah - a bassoon player. I also played a double reed instrument - the oboe. It now sits gathering dust in my closet, but I'll never part with it. Of course, now it needs new reeds to be played.
Dreaming What Ifs...
I was a band geek, too! My folks made me sell the clarinet after high school, claiming it would destroy my newly brace-free and straightened teeth. I regret that decision MIGHTILY.
The kiddo, however, decided to be a choir geek. Figures.
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