Ray and I, on the other hand, have random cough, sore throats, etc. Nothing serious, I actually feel fine, just annoyed by my cough. So off to the doctor I went this morning. I have fluid behind my ears and swollen glands, so the doctor took pity on me since I have to run 13.1 miles on Sunday and prescribed me some antibiotics as well.
Halloween was fun and I had every intention of downloading some pictures last night, but obviously that didn't happen. Ashley ended up going as Pinkalicious (she wore all pink) and Audrey was Minnie Mouse. Tootles went as herself, an overweight Dachshund.
On other random news, slightly related to sicknesses (as in my sick household is preventing me from holding a newborn baby), my friend and neighbor had her baby Monday before last (beautiful baby boy, I hope to hold him as soon as I am sure I am not carrying any random flu germs), and I took them some food on Sunday. And guess what she had bought me?

The Pioneer Woman Cooks Cookbook. Sqeeee! I was so freaking excited. I can't wait to cook something out of it...
Oh no!! GEt better ASAP. There are 2 other Runner Bloggers who will be running OBX this weekend. Let me know if you want their Bloggy info..
Glad to hear everyone is on the mend...I hope the winter months are uneventful for you guys as far as sickness is concerned!
The Pioneer Woman was in Denver last night for a book signing..I was supposed to go but had to decline at the last minute. I totally could have gotten her autograph for ya ;)
Glad to hear you're all in some stages of recovery! I've been opening windows to chase out the air every afternoon, and my hands are chapped from washing them.
Wanted to let you know I admire your commitment to running, and love your blog, so I gave you an award on my 11/3/09 post.
Happy Scribbling!
Aaahhhh!!! I'm so jealous! I plan on ordering her cookbook this week...2 as Christmas gifts and one for myself. I love her...haven't made a recipe of hers that is bad yet!
And Pinkalicious?? Kylie loves that book, along with Purpleicious. She now wants to read the new one...Goldilicious. What a neat costume idea!
I'm so glad to hear all you are starting to be on the mend. That's the only bad part about this time of year!!
I didn't even know Pioneer Woman had came out with a cookbook. I'll have to go look at it.
Good luck in your race!!
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