The other exciting thing?
Both girls got their ears pierced.
Audrey came home from preschool on Thursday saying she wanted her ears pierced. And a note - Audrey has my threshold of pain, pretty high. Ashley - her threshold of pain is like Ray's, meaning it's nonexistent. Seriously. We told Audrey she could get it done, and Ashley said she wasn't interested.
And then Ashley waffled up until the last minute, at which I think she realized if her sister could do it, so could she.

Ignore the face painting.
Ashley didn't even cry, while Audrey cried long enough for them to give her a lollipop, then she was fine. And Ray was in charge of taking photos, so he's to blame for none of Audrey on my iPhone. Both girls sat in my lap for the "procedure", so I could not take pictures.
Sorry, I could not ignore the face painting. It's sooo cute! Sounds like you had a nice weekend at the beach, piercings and all. Have a great week!
I can't BELIEVE how grown up Ashley looks! Love her hair!
I got my ears pierced the first time when I was Audrey's age. Morgan hasn't said anything about it--yet :)
Wow, Ashley looks all grown up! I'm so jealous of the weekend getaway - sounds like you had a great time!
I was like 34 years old when I finally was brave enough. I figured if I could survive natural childbirth, I could survive ear piercing. Just barely.
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