Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Side Shows
But, the real show during the concert was the little side show we witnessed. There were couches along the right side of the hall. On one of them was what we thought a happy family there to see another family member play. There were two older ladies (one 40ish, one 50ish), a young boy (probably early teens), and older gentlemen (60ish, let's call him Grandpa), and a girl (probably not much over 21 if she was even that). The "girl" was in a black tank and rhinestone studded jeans. And at first, I was thinking she was a grand daughter as she sat on one of the lady's laps and was joking around. Well...until she totally started making out with Grandpa! Total makeout with some ass grabbing thrown in. We were all in shock. Everyone noticed around us. And I of course looked for a wedding band...she was wearing one, I don't know if he was or not. I guess he was loaded?
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Confessions of a Working Mom
- I have totally crawled into Audrey's crib to try to get her to sleep. Maybe once, or twice.
- I still help Ashley in the bathroom even though she is totally capable of wiping herself.
- If Ashley is good at school, she gets to watch a video in the van on the way home (even though it's only 10 minutes).
- We ran out of apple juice last week, Capri Suns are juice, right?
- Audrey started drinking whole milk prior to her first birthday.
- Audrey still goes to sleep to the bottle on most nights. Horrible, I know.
- And she's not walking. But she would like you to walk her around Which sometimes we refuse. And she throws a fit.
- Audrey is not, I repeat, not sleeping through the night. See number 6.
- Ray and I have been known to argue over who's turn it is to go into Audrey's room in the middle of the night.
- We let Ashley wear a pretty necklace to school even though she's not supposed to. She just wants to be like me.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Fun Monday - My Blogging Enviroment
My writing for my blog mostly happens at home. One thing that sold me on the house we bought was this little room. It is off of the kitchen, and the builder built in a desk. As soon as I saw it, I knew it would be perfect for my scrapbooking room. We made our formal living room Ray's office, so I could finally have some space all to my own.

Friday, February 23, 2007
Friday Pictures, Part II - Old School Pictures

Uncle Mike looking, well, crazy. April 2006
I want to sleep like this...April 2006
Bumbos aren't just for little ones. June 2006
Ray and greasy-forehead in Hawaii. January 2002
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Sweet Child of Mine
My sweet, sweet Audrey. You used to be so sweet and easy. And now, well now you're not. When we got home last night, we went outside to the playset since it was still 70 degrees outside. And I promptly put you in your swing. Last fall, you would have stayed in that swing all day. Tonight, you lasted oh about 10 seconds before pointing at the glider to ride on it. Which we did, only for you to want down. And then crawl up the slide. And then slide down head first. And then go up the ladder. And then cry when Mommy wouldn't help you up the slide again. And then cry when we had to go in for dinner.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Our Hotel, I mean Home
So what do you do when you reach your goals? You show people where you were and where you are now:
And after, Ray says it's not my most flattering outfit, and this was taken at 9:30 at night after wrestling the kids to bed...
And you make a new goal - I want to lose ten more pounds. I think I can do it too. Of course, that means I can only eat 20 points a day and considering I ate about 35 points on Monday to celebrate my weight loss, this should work out great. Right?
So these past two weekends we have had house guests. The weekend before last we had friends who are moving here from Northern Virginia (Northern Virginia sucks, everyone flee to North Carolina!). They have a two year old boy and a four year old girl. And those kids were the best behaved children I have ever been around. I think they are secretly drugging them to make them so laid back and happy. The two year old boy? Not once did he get mad and throw a toy. The girl? No whining, nothing. Everyone played nicely. I can't wait for them to move here and hopefully rub off on my kids...
This past weekend we had some more friends from Northern Virginia visit us with their 5 month old. And they too are leaving Virginia, but to go somewhere crazy like Michigan or Ohio or Tennessee. My friend's husband is going back to school to get a doctorate in political science. No, we decided against playing Scrabble or anything with him because he would KICK OUR ASSES. She would too actually. Anyways, we had a great weekend, and a lot of this was consumed on Saturday night:
To include my favorite (hehe):
Oh, and their son? Weighs more than Audrey. My poor light weight. I swear she eats.
Oh right, how I tried to kill Ray. On Saturday morning I tried to play good host and make cinamon muffins. Little did I know they had some sort of tree nuts in it. Ray's lips started to swell, then his throat. He actually ate two of them, so his allergy to whatever was in it was on the milder side. It took about two hours, but the swelling finally went down. Maybe we need to update our life insurance policy....
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
The Many Faces of Ashley
Monday, February 19, 2007
Your Favorite - Fun Monday

Today's Fun Monday challenge was created by Karmyn at Dreaming What Ifs. Her challenge was an object or objects that have a special place in our hearts.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Friday Pictures

Thursday, February 15, 2007
Don't you love updates?
Ashley is doing much better. She had a sinus infection that drugs are helping. The only other concerning thing I found out when I took her to the pediatrician on Tuesday was that she might be asthmatic. We are planning to have her allergy tested soon (Ray is allergic to nuts, pineapples, coconuts, and I can't remember what else) and then we will go from there. And no, Ashley has never had peanut butter, poor kid.
Audrey is a different child since her surgery to put in tubes. Seriously. She isn't cranky in the evenings anymore, she's talking more (if I have to do Row, Row, Row Your Boat with her one more time....), and she is cruising everywhere. We are hoping for our backs sake that she will be walking any day.
Me? Well, school is keeping me busy at night. I have started my classroom observations. I am also studying for the PRAXIS II, a test teachers have to take. I am taking that on April 28. I will need all the support and prayers, I am not a good test taker.
Ray is crazy busy selling houses which is a good thing. And if anyone wants to buy a house in Virginia (Great Location! Close to a Target! It just might take you an hour to go the three miles to get there...) just let us know. We would love to get that monkey off our backs...
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Newest Addition to the Family
I have many balls up in the air right now - family, friends, school, work, blogging, band, weight loss, scrapbooking...just to name a few. But the constant ball that has been next to me for the past 10 years is Ray. He's more like a bowling ball...hurts like hell if I drop him on my foot, but he rolls a strike every time with me and my kids. Happy Valentine's Day Ray!
Welcome into the world Aiden Michael, my nephew!
5 pounds, 9 ounces
17.5 inches long
He's visiting the NICU right now because of fluid on his lungs, so keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Mom and Dad (Ray's brother) are doing well. Crazy woman did it without drugs. I guess every family needs one crazy person...
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Get your own valentinr
Because I know all of you wish you were here and could give me a Valentine's Day card, you can do this instead! Go ahead, check it out! That and it will cheer me up, I am at home today with Ashley - fever, runny nose, headache. And I thought January was over...
Monday, February 12, 2007
Fun Monday Post Again!
This week's challenge? Why we love where we live.
For those of you new here, we moved to Raleigh, North Carolina less than a year ago. Prior to living here, we lived in Northern Virginia, a.k.a. the Rat Race. Seriously, it was. I was leaving my house at 6:00 am to commute 25 miles and it still took me an hour and a half. Here, my commute is about the same, except I leave later and it only takes me 25 minutes.
Quality of life? Check. Less traffic? Check. Great parks, outdoor stuff to do, family friendly? Check. Cheaper houses? Check, check.
We could not have made a better decision than to move here. I will leave you with this picture, it's the state fair at night. Hope everyone has a great Monday! Also, I have added a picture of Jippy's son in the Click on Me Section, it takes you to the charity badge. Go check it out.

Saturday, February 10, 2007
Blog is a linking verb
So I emailed the staff writer that wrote it. She emailed me back in minutes saying how hard it was to find local bloggers and then when she did find some, they didn't want their blog to be made public. Makes sense, I understand. She wished she could have met me prior to the article (I could have been famous!) and would I help them set up something at their site for bloggers of young children? Hell yes!
Of course, I haven't heard anything since. So much for me being famous.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Anyways, she is trying to raise money for the MAGIK clinic. The MAGIK clinic (Making Aches Go Away In Kids) serves 3,500 patients a year. Go here to read about it.
Southern California is a hell of a long way away from North Carolina, but if I can help one child in his treatment with a pain disorder, then it's worth it.
So go here to see the charity badge. Every little bit helps. And if anyone can help me getting the badge to display, that would be great too!
Thursday, February 08, 2007

Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Is Elmo a Boy or a Girl?

Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Monday, February 05, 2007
Fun Monday (Again!)
Why? It just really hit home. I joke about how I always have my camera with me to take pictures, but I don't. I don't have it upstairs in the playroom when Audrey reaches for her sister and Ashley abides and gives her a hug. I don't have it for that first wake up, squinty eye morning face from both my girls. And I don't have it when Ashley is playing with her friend across the street and reaches for her hand to hold. And as she states in her post, "hopefully I can look back and capture the same feeling" as those times I wish I had a camera...
Friday, February 02, 2007
Everyone is okay
The surgery went well. The doctor said her ears were filled with pus and such, basically still completely infected dispite being on antibiotics since December 1. So there is a ton of drainage from her ears.
Everyone at the surgery center was absolutely wonderful except for the very last nurse we saw in recovery. She informed Ray and I that Audrey had so many ear infections since she was in daycare. I attempted to tell her my older daughter was in daycare as well, and only had one ear infection, but she wasn't listening. I kept my cool since Audrey was crying and I was trying to get her to calm down. She did inform me later she has no kids (go figure) so who cares what she said.
What was very helpful was the drug they gave her about 20 minutes prior to taking her back. It pretty much made her calm and relaxed so that when they wheeled her away, she wasn't screaming. It was almost like she was drunk and it was very cute. We were in the waiting area for all of 10 minutes before the doctor came back out. Total time spent at the surgery center? Two hours.
Have a great weekend everyone...Ray and I are actually going out tomorrow night. We are having dinner at a restaurant that actually takes reservations and then seeing "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" at the Raleigh theater. It has received rave reviews, so it better be good because I do not like the movie as much as Ray does...