- Audrey is fine, well, kind of. The slight fever she had went away, but the sleepless nights did not. It didn't occur to us until last night that she might have an ear infection, so we started her on the Floxin drops. If those don't work, it's back to the doctor tomorrow. And she goes to the ENT next week...
- Ashley has gotten into a habit of coming into our room in the mornings at about 5:30am and climbing into bed with us. I would be okay with this, but during the week, my alarm goes off at 5:45am and she wakes up then off and on while I get ready. And Friday night she climbed into our bed at 4:00am. And last night at 3:00am and wanted to chat. I know, I should really walk her back into her room when she does it, but it is SO easy just to let her climb into bed. Especially after the past few nights we have had with Audrey.
- The test? Oh right! Thanks for all the well wishes and tips. I used as many "educational jargon" as I could in the essays. I actually thought the essays were easy. The multiple choice were hard. I will find out in 4 weeks...you will be the first to know.
- Our block party was fun. I know you guys want to live on my street as we had catered food (roasted pig, I do live in North Carolina), live music (yes, you read that right), bounce houses and water slides. My kids were cooked when it was done.

The food...
The street...
The music (it was two guys who sang cover songs)...
Ray, Audrey and our favorite neighbor Dave.
Ashley and her best friend Hayden.