Ice Cream Mama has this weeks honors of hosting Fun Monday. She took the questions James Lipton asks his audience on Inside the Actor's Studio. Here are my answers:
What is your favorite word? Target (hehe)
What is your least favorite word? Death. I don't even like how it sounds.
What turns you on (creatively, spiritually or emotionally)? A great song, whether it makes me sad or happy...
What turns you off? Mean, rude, uncaring people
What is your favorite curse word? Sugar, Honey and Ice Tea
What sound or noise do you love? My kids laughing, a great symphony band playing anything by John Williams...
What sound or noise do you hate? The sound of someone else's baby crying and I can't "fix" them...
What profession, other than your own, would you like to attempt? Teaching
What profession would you not like to attempt? Air Traffic Controller
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Go over there to get fitted for your wings, you're going back down to help people out.
What is your favorite word? Target (hehe)
What is your least favorite word? Death. I don't even like how it sounds.
What turns you on (creatively, spiritually or emotionally)? A great song, whether it makes me sad or happy...
What turns you off? Mean, rude, uncaring people
What is your favorite curse word? Sugar, Honey and Ice Tea
What sound or noise do you love? My kids laughing, a great symphony band playing anything by John Williams...
What sound or noise do you hate? The sound of someone else's baby crying and I can't "fix" them...
What profession, other than your own, would you like to attempt? Teaching
What profession would you not like to attempt? Air Traffic Controller
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Go over there to get fitted for your wings, you're going back down to help people out.
I think you have wings already!
I, too, think you already have your wings :)
I love the answer to the last question, you are so knod.
I love your answers!! Sugar, Honey and Ice Tea got a giggle out of me!
I love your answer to # 10!
Sugar, HOney, Iced TEa.... I have to add that to my list.
Sugar, honey, ice tea! It took me a minute! LOL!
Your answer are wonderful... I'm with you on crying baby. I just want to go pick them up and swaddle and coo
Great answers, 'sugar' is one I use.
I think you already have your wings too!
I didn't get the Sugar, Honey, Ice Tea thing either...duh..I'm a little slow.
Sugar?? Honey?? Them aren't swear-words!! Like your "wing-fitting" idea!!
I am soooo slow...thanks to Frannie for spelling it out for me, lol ;). I grinned from ear to ear on your favorite word...do you pronounce it "Tarzjay"?
p.s. I read the news account :(...what a tragedy...
Oops, I'm having to sign in with my Blogger ID, I guess I always do over here :/.
It's awful what happened at Tech today. I said a little prayer for those students and their families.
I saw that report and you were the first person I though of. How sad for all of those families. I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers.
Ugh I'm watching the news (online) re: your alma mater and am just sickened and horrified. Everyone there (and parents, families, everyone) is in my prayers.
I really liked your answers.
I thought you allready had your wings!
LOL! Sugar, Honey, Iced Tea, that's great!
No air traffic controller?? C'mon, how could you not want all that power??? lol... I know I would LOVE to have that job, but I'd probably get fired after like a day :)
As soon as I heard the news about VA Tech, I immediately thought of you ... Prayers of support and hope for each and every person involved.
Oh, I like the wings one....I've been saved a time or two by my guardian angel for sure!
Sugar Honey and Iced Tea! that was a good one! I have a hard time with other peoples baby's crying also, I just want to fix them! Especially when it is someone who is just ignoring them, it drives me nuts!
So sorry about what happend at your alma matter today. That is such a tragedy. I remember when we had the high school shooting here in Oregon a few years ago in Springfield. The kids were so little at the time it scared me to think they would be in school someday.
I am sorry about the gunman in Virginia. It is very sad... so many people, so many innocent people.
What a good answer for number 10. Indeed, you probably already have wings.
Sugar Honey and Iced Tea... Very funny! I had a friend who went to a school in Japan called Sacred Heart In Tokyo, and we used to yell that out when we were mad! he he!
I don't think you could have answered the last question any better, that's totally you! It made me smile.
And of course I'm sickened to death about the tragedy that struck VaTech today. Terrible. Everyone affected is in my thoughts and prayers.
Your favorite word? Hahahaha! That's one of mine too!
Love your answers!
Swampwitch wants you to know Blogger isn't letting her comment, but she was here!
GIRL! I have been thinking about you all day long. The VT folks are in my thoughts!
I have been thinking about the VT students, teachers and their families, I am so sorry, I know this is going to harder on you.
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