Tuesday, May 15, 2007

10 Year Reunion

I was watching a little bit of TV this weekend and saw a clip about the graduation ceremonies at Virginia Tech and an update on the campus. Then it hit me.

I graduated 10 years ago.

10 years ago.

From college.

Holy crap.

Has it really been that long? And what in the world have I done in that 10 years?

Married, owned a couple of houses, had two kids, moved states.

Traveled, witnessed births, attended my first funeral.

Worked for three different companies (I am so not counting that company I worked for only about a month), made new friends, lost some friends.

Would I change anything? I think those who know me best would say absolutely not.

When I was in college, I thought that was the best. I had freedom, I had responsibilities that weren't burdensome, I had friends. But I didn't know the best was yet to come. College prepared me for the world beyond, but I am having the best time right now.

Life couldn't be any better.

The day Audrey was born...

Especially since I am going to go get a facial and a pedicure tonight....


frannie said...

time goes by so fast- and each stage of life is so precious.

you have much more to look forward to!

Happy Working Mom said...

Life goes by too quickly, that's for sure! Have fun getting your facial and pedicure!!

And I promise I'll post pictures of our Kitchen...I want to wait until we get the curtains up so that you can see the whole effect!

Anonymous said...

It's funny to look back at the pre-baby years and think life is perfect. With Morgan here now, I have a small clue as to what I was missing out on before :)

Stu said...

10 years...hard to believe that is how long ago we graduated. Actually it was 13 years ago we met...hah! Anyways, I'm actually heading down to Blacksburg on Friday before heading to Charlotte on Saturday for the Nascar Race. Any interest in meeting for the Race?

Pendullum said...

Each stage is so precious in our lives...
Carpe Diem is what I always say...
andpretty nifty to seize it with a manicure and a pedicure...

CPA Mom said...

Good Lord that is a tiny baby...how much did she weigh?

I graduated with my master's 14 years ago (bachelor's 15 years ago). How in the world did that happen? And 18 years since high school? Holy crap indeed.

Michele_3 said...

Life just keeps on passing by..Treasure every moment!
BTW-Beautiful picture!!

My husband & I will be married 12 years in September & it amazes me when I look back on all the changes and wonderful things that have occured in that time..

Have fun getting facial & pedicure-
What a treat!
Can I come!! LOL

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Yeah you always think "this is the best time" and then, the next stage of your life is even better. Who would have thought that sitting at home playing on the floor with your kids would be some of the best times you can have!

That is a great picture of Audrey. She was beautiful even as a newborn.

Lawyer Mama said...

It does go so fast! (I like to give hubby hell that his 20 year high school reunion is coming up next year. Does that make you feel better? LOL)

Katie Swaner said...

I'm 8 years out. The time sure does go by fast, doesn't it? it's hard to believe that I never had kids. And I was happy then too. it's weird. I complain about them all the time, but if they aren't home, I feel lost. I can't even remember what life was like then.

ChrisB said...

Enjoy and treasure each phase of your life, the years gallop by I can tell you. As for tonights pampering relax and enjoy.

Isabel said...

Yeah..time goes by fast.

Enjoy your pedicure!!

Unknown said...

Life does fly by when you are having fun!!
I agree with you, as much fun as my college days were, I wouldn't trade the years I've had as a mom for anything.

Enjoy the pampering tonight!

Anvilcloud said...

I always figure that the best time in your life is now. Maybe that will change someday, but that's how I feel now.

Anonymous Fat Blogger said...

Love the sweet baby picture! So adorable!! Time does goes by fast, doesn't it?

Enjoy your pampering later!

Beccy said...

It's been 15 years since I graduated!

You've fitted a lot into those 10 years and many more happy years ahead.

Robin said...

Oh, my...it's been over 20 years since I graduated! How did THAT happen??? Next year I have one in high school, one in middle school and one in elementary. I ask again, HOW DID THAT HAPPEN??? lol

I've learned to enjoy every stage...they're just a snapshot in time. Seems like you've settled "there" too.

Ooooo, and a facial and pedi? Sounds WONDERFUL to me!


Julie said...

Looks like you have had a great 10 years! (Minus the funeral of course)

Are you going to your 10 year reunion?

alissa said...

Just the other day, I realized that I graduated from high school EIGHTEEN YEARS AGO. How did that happen??!! In one sense, it feels like just yesterday, and in another, it feels like an absolute lifetime ago.

Hopefully you have a great pedi-facial!!

Erin said...

You've been tagged by the way - No pressure, but if you want to do it that would be great (if you haven't already)

la bellina mammina said...

WOW! An achievement, wouldn't you say?

Hey, have fun with your pedicure and facial - we all need these breaks sometimes.

my4kids said...

I keep asking myself where the time has gone also. I didn't go to college but its been 13 years since high school and I got married that just seems so long!

david santos said...

It places fhoto of Madeleine in your bloggue

Missing Madeleine!
Madeleine, MeCann was abduted from Praia da Luz, Portugal on 03/03/07.

If you have any information about her whereabouts, please contact Crimestoppers on 0800555111 Please Help

Anonymous said...

Okay, I am officially OLD. I graduated from college 15 years ago, 13 years with my Masters. And, I have my 10th wedding anniversary this year. DAMN, I'm old. I think I need that facial and pedicure! ;-)

What an adorable baby ;-)

SJINCO said...

Man, TEN years. Goodness. It really has been that long.

Time flies so fast.