Thursday, May 10, 2007

Do bad things really happen in threes?

I normally don't bitch and moan and complain and cry and whine, but today is going to be one of those days.

Audrey had her followup ENT appointment yesterday regarding her tubes in her ears. Ray and I were pretty anxious for this appointment as Audrey has not been sleeping well lately and we were wondering if it was an ear infection. Of course, her ears are fine and look great.

So then WHY IN THE HELL was she up from 12:30am until 4:00am last night??? Why? She screamed, she cried, she demanded I read her a book at one point (in the middle of the night you will try anything to get the kids back to sleep), she drank countless sippy cups of milk. Who knows. We gave her Tylenol thinking it was her teeth as well as putting Orajel on her gums. Didn't help. She finally crashed. But at that point she had already woken up Ashley who retreated to our room to avoid the screaming that was coming from Audrey's room.

And a head cold? Yup, totally have one. Not really sure how I am going to get better if I can't get any sleep.

Tired? Check.
Lots of snot draining? Check.
That time of the month? Check.
Got a speeding ticket on the way to work? Check, check.

And that's an even better way to start the day then just not getting enough sleep. Get pulled over in what you thought was a 45 mph zone since YOU COULD SEE THE SPEED LIMIT sign that said 45 mph. Nope, according to the cop, I was technically in the 35 mph. And remember a few months ago I got a ticket and in the great state of North Carolina you can do prayer for judgement where you don't pay for the first ticket you get as long as you don't get another ticket for three years? I should have known I wouldn't make it three years.

And, and, AND? I have to sit in an all day meeting starting at 9:00am.

Okay, I feel a little better. Thanks for letting me vent.


Kelly said...

Oh dear don't get me going on tickets!! I have to go to court on Tuesday for a 6 month OLD ticket...can you believe that?? 6 Months OLD!! UUGGHHH so can't way!!

HOpe the little one feels better and starts sleeping through the night!! ANd you too dear need your rest as well!! Tell ya what?? I sleep for ya..hell got nothing else to do :) jk!!

Happy Working Mom said...

Poor you! At least if it would have been her ears you would have had an answer, but right now you're am I...I have no idea why she's been up so much.

And the ticket...that SUCKS! I can't believe you got a ticket when you could see the sign. Ugghh! I hope your day goes better, and that you feel better!

CPA Mom said...

Oh that stinks! I could tell you didn't sound good last night on the phone. Thanks again for calling me. You are the best friend ever! Hope you feel better soon and Audrey sleeps some more tonight!

Anonymous said...

Oh man that's awful. I SO hope you get to have a break this weekend! A break that includes wine.

And I am SO bad about speeding. I think I have 6 speeding tickets since I got my license. But damn, I would have been going 45 too if I could see the sign. That bites. Mean cops suck.

Brown Eyed Girl said...

You need a day off...

I'm sorry about ALL of it....

frannie said...

wow- that cop seems like a jerk.

sorry you are having such a horrible day! I hope it gets better.

hugs to you!

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Sorry about the ticket, that sucks royally!

I think that Ashley and Audrey have been talking and plotting. Just when Ashley gets back to going to bed good and sleeping well, Audrey starts not wanting to sleep? Sounds fishy to me!

Beccy said...

Look on the bright side, all your bad luck is over in one day, who knows what treasures tomorrow might bring.

my4kids said...

Amy feel free to vent I'm glad someone else is doing instead of just me! I hate tickets I have gotten a couple and it always ticks me off because 2 of them I didn't feel were right either but what can I say? I'm not the cop and its my word against theirs.
I do think bad things come in 3's at least that is what I tell myself when bad things keep happening.

my4kids said...

Oh and I forgot to add. Sorry about the sleep thing. I know that can be rough and yes you dear mommy need some rest.

Michele_3 said...

I'm sorry your day didn't start off great- maybe it will finish much better..
I hope you guys find out what is bothering Audrey too, Poor baby!

Oh & I agree getting a ticket totally sucks!! Tomorrow will be better! Are you still watching LOST? It is getting good...

Anonymous Fat Blogger said...

Hope everything gets better as the day progresses!

That really sucks about the ticket!

Portrait of Peter said...

Amy, I just glanced at your posting - and I think I better disappear ------ fast!!!!!!

Just to say thanks for your wonderful input on my blog posting!!

Lawyer Mama said...

Oh, that is a crappy day. You are completely entitled to whine a bit. God knows I would be!

Sending sleep vibes your daughter's way. Sleeeeeeep, little one. Sleeeeeeep.

Emma in Canada said...

I'm going with what Beccy says...tomorrow can only get better.

Unknown said...

I agree it's a conspiracy.The girls are taking turns, not sleeping. Marissa did that to me along time ago. Has Audrey been taking long naps during the day? My son never slept, naps either, and even now, he can keep going and going. I've nicknamed him the energizer bunny.
Here's something to look forward too, Lindsay went to bed last night around 8, got up once for her bottle and went back to bed until 6. I'm hoping this happens soon for you all.
As for the ticket, the cop does sound like a real jerk!
And Yes, tomorrow can only get better.

Anonymous said...

How craptastic is THAT!!?? Sorry...for all of it. Tickets suck...I feel your pain and annoyance!!

That Chick Over There said...

A speeding ticket! CRAP!

I'm so sorry for your crap day.

Hey, only 163 days until Disney World, right?!?! :)

SJINCO said...

Oh man, sorry to hear about the ticket. In my opinion I think the police man could have cut you SOME slack - big fat jerk.

If it makes you feel ANY better, Isaac still has sleep issues as well, and he's 20 months old. Teething? Ears? I've given up trying to figure out, I just want some sleep damn it!

Hope things get better soon....hang in there!

Erin said...

I had to go to traffic court myself today - so welcome to my world :) Seriously, sorry you got a ticket, they sure are jerks around here huh?

Hope you are going to bed bright and early tonight and nothing else keeps you awake!!

Edie said...

OMG!! I had no idea. Wow, you have had it rough. Keep your chin up. It'll get better soon.

Get some rest this weekend. Maybe you can nap when Audrey does. (If Ray watches Ashley for ya!)

I'll be thinking about ya.

Lizarita said...

Hi! Hope your day got better!

BS said...

Were you doing more than 45 mph? In Northern VA, they don't usually bother you unless it's more than 10 miles over the speed limit. Speed Limit = 55 - you HAVE to go at least 65 or you will get run over (especially on I95). The cop must have had a quota to fill - JERK ! Here's to a better day tomorrow - IT'S FRIDAY !!

la bellina mammina said...

oh my...sorry to hear that. I can imagine how exhausted you may be...vent all you want...I do it from time to time!

Scribbit said...

Wow, rough night. I hope you at least can get a nap in or get a better night's rest.

Anvilcloud said...

I was just thinking about that speed sign issue lately. I think the cop was being a little harsh and should have given you the benefit of the doubt; if you can see the 45 sign and not the 35 one ... well, sheesh!