Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Birthday Party Post

Yes, Ashley's birthday is a little less than a month away, I realize that. I tend to obsess about certain things, and the girls' birthday parties are one of them. Maybe, just maybe it's because I don't remember having birthday parties as a kid. (Please, parents, don't take offense, I am a well functioning adult without those parties as a kid). I don't remember one birthday cake, let alone any special presents I received. I do remember this one time going out to dinner at Chi-Chi's and them singing "Happy Birthday" over my fried ice cream, but that is the extent of my memory.

I want the girls to remember all their birthdays. I want birthdays to be a big deal, a day they look forward to for weeks. And I don't necessarily mean they have to get a ton of gifts and such, I just want to make the day as special as possible.

So Ashley's birthday is July 21st. I really wanted to do it at one of those inflatable jumping places like Pump It Up, but the closest one isn't really that close to our house. I thought about the cool parties I have been to here in North Carolina, like our neighbor's daughter's at the NC Museum of Science. But then we just did that in January, and to be fair to Ashley and her best friend, they have been there, done that.

I did go to a really cool princess party back in December, but it was held in my friend's house, and I just don't have that much room in my house, even for 10 girls to come in.

So I went on Craigs List about two months ago and found this place. How cool is this?? Princess stuff, a tea party, crafts and karaoke??!! Can I have my next birthday party there?? And why didn't I think of this idea first??


Anonymous said...

Sweet. I want my birthday party there, too!! :)

CPA Mom said...

I would have a party there too. How cool. Now I wish we had that here. Darn it.

I'm the same way with the parties. I love coming up with new ideas and going other places so I don't have to clean up!

Julie said...

Now that is ADORABLE. Ashley will LOVE it. I can't wait to see pictures. I think I want a Diva party for my next birthday! : )

Katie Swaner said...

ok, first I was going to say something about my birthday at Chi-Chi's and how they made me wear a stupid sombrero while they sang, but I got all excited reading about the party. Wow! That is such a cool idea. She's going to remember it forever!

Sabrina said...

That's so cool! Let me know how it goes, am thinking of doing a princess party for Alyssa's 5th bday in October...

Anonymous Fat Blogger said...

I'm the same way! Bug's is in Sept and I'm already planning!

We have a place like that here and I was considering doing it too!

Erin said...

She will love that!! What a great party for a little girl :)

Kelly said...

Oh I want a birthday there! I like you never had any major parties like parents do today. We just always had family over and did the whole cake and present thing...thats all..every year is the same. I see some of my friends spend so much money on birthday parties it's ridiculous! But I guess I can't really judge because I still have yet to have kids and I'm sure I will be one who particiates in HUGe parties for my kids!

Sunshine said...

Please take a picture of her in her birthday shirt so I can add to my website!

We rented one of those jumpy things a couple times for the kids birthdays. They're awesome!!

Michele_3 said...

That is so cute!!!
I want to go to the party!! LOL!!
She'll love it, Good idea!

my4kids said...

That is really cute but I don't think I could afford any presents after paying for the party! Its a great idea though.
I didn't really have big parties growing up either we moved all the time so some years I didn't really know anyone yet and we didn't live near our families so they didn't come either.
I do go to great lengths to do things for my kids parties though I don't want them to think they weren't special.

frannie said...

little drama's 1st b-day is July 27th and I think I am going overboard... come to think of it, I don't remember many b-days either....

Amy Anderson said...

That place is AWESOME!

Lawyer Mama said...

How cool!

Beccy said...

Cool, I'd love the diva party.

I love children's birthday parties and hopefully my kids will remember theirs as great fun times, I remember some parties and there was always a cake.

That Chick Over There said...


That Chick Over There said...
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Katie Swaner said...

And see, I was so blown away by the neat party idea, that I completely forgot to tell yuou how cool Ashley since she shares my birthday (And the day of the final harry potter book release this year)

SJINCO said...

Wow, that place looks perfect for a little girls birthday party. And I'm like you, I stress out every year over planning the 'perfect' party. I want my kids to remember the fun times :)

Keep us posted on the details!

SJINCO said...
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Martha said...

I'm so happy you have a blog, because now I know we will keep in touch. this is good news.

la bellina mammina said...

What a cool place - I didn't have any parties as a kid too.

Anonymous said...

How cute is that! My daughter would love that - I wish they had one here! Can't wait to see the pictures!

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

That is awesome!!! I am going to have to find something like that here and have Kaylie's next party there!

Ashley is going to have such a good time!!! Gah, I wanna come!