Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday Pictures - Bluegrass Style

As I have mentioned before, Ray works on a real estate team called the Dawson Team. Jamie Dawson, the head, sings in a bluegrass band with his wife called Kickin Grass. So last Saturday, they did a concert at a local park. And we had to go. You wanna know why? Ashley is probably one of their biggest fans. And actually we are pretty entertained by them as well. Especially since Ashley makes us listen to them in the car all the time.

It was about 90 degress (or more) outside. I was attempting to keep Audrey cool. And out of the sun.
Our friends Wendy and Matt and their son Ethan came as well (and their almost two month old daughter Emmy came too, although she hid in the woods where it was nice and cool).
The band, that's Jamie to the left of Linda and obviously that's Linda, his wife. Sorry, I don't know the other guys' names. Bad Amy.
Did I mention it was hot?
The kids were dancing, or jumping, a new form of dancing.

One of Ashley's favorite songs started, so she had to sit and watch.

This was waiting for the car to get cool....

We are off to Myrtle Beach for the weekend. I hope everyone has a great weekend, see you on the flip side...


la bellina mammina said...

Seems like the kids enjoyed themselves, barring the weather.
Have a great weekend!

my4kids said...

Love the pictures. Madison still jumps sometimes when dances. I think thats because little kids are full of jumping beans that react to music!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the kids enjoyed themselves--LOVE Audrey's hat--Morgan has the same one :)

Myrtle Beach? I'm jealous :)

Anonymous said...

Such cute pictures! I hope you have a great time at the beach! (And that the kids go to sleep for you!!!)

CPA Mom said...

Ooh, Myrtle Beach...can't wait.

You, my dear, look absolutely fabulous. And the kids are so cute.

Edie said...

That looks like it was so much fun!! Glad the kids enjoyed it.

Have a blast at the beach!

frannie said...

have a great weekend! enjoy the bluegrass in the car on the way!

Isabel said...

I love how they kids are right at the front of the stage. Their biggest fans, indeed.

Robin said...

Myrtle Beach?? Make that the flip-FLOP side! Hope y'all had fun!

Lost A Sock said...

Your girls have the sweetest little faces.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous Fat Blogger said...

Great pictures! Sounds like a fun time!

Have a great time this weekend!

Julie said...

Looks fun, and H.O.T. Have fun at the beach - lucky dog you! : )

Emma in Canada said...

Great pictures, I love the one of Audrey in the car. Hope you have a great weekend!

SJINCO said...

Whoa! Get Ashley on a basketball team as soon as possible! That's a lot of air for a little thing!

It's funny how kids dance. And it's cute that they are the bands biggest fans! Looks like you had a good time despite the heat. And humidity too I'm sure!

Your kids are gorgeous, you look fantastic and I'm so jealous that you are taking off to Myrtle for the weekend - HAVE FUN!

Portrait of Peter said...

What type of music do they play?

Great photos - looks a bit too hot even for me!! I think I would have been sitting in my air-con car!!

Enjoy the weekend

ChrisB said...

Oh what fun even if it was hot. Hope you have a great time at the beach.

Erin said...

Looks like you had fun!! I wouldn't even leave the house, lol, probably like I won't leave the house for the next 3 months, except when we get a day like we had today!

Have a fun weekend!

That Chick Over There said...

Oh it looks SO HOT.

Have fun this weekend!

Jennifer said...

Have fun at the beach! I love Friday picture day!
Oh it looks hot but the little red cheeks are soo cute!

Unknown said...

Look at those PINK cheeks. The girls look like they are really enjoying themselves.

Hope you had fun at the beach! I'm so jealous, I need to get to somewhere cooler too!

I love the picture of Audrey driving. Too cute.


Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Fun stuff! Is it just me or can Ashley jump really high? I love Audrey's hat!! Alyssa won't keep them on!