Monday, August 13, 2007

Fun Monday

Beckie at Give it a Try is hosting this week and its simple. Tell everyone your favorite treat, whether it's sweet or sour or whatever.

This is my all time favorite candy bar...

But the treat of the month (or I should say last few months) is chocolate ice cream mixed with peanut butter. Honestly anything peanut butter will just about do me in. Maybe it's because I am the only one in my family who can actually eat it, who knows.


On a different note...I will have to catch with everyone tomorrow. Audrey threw up Saturday night and had a fever and Ashley decided to do the same last night. Fun times. So I am home today. Go visit Beckie for all the participants!


CPA Mom said...

I'm home today too. Complications..yeah me

What kind of candy bar is that? looks yum!

frannie said...

drama was throwing up all last night... I wonder what it is.

I have his one year appt today, so I will find out then.

I love all candy bars!

Steffi said...

Your candy bar looks delicious.

Edie said...

oh, bluh!!

That stomach virus is definitely going around... and it's crazy too. It's August!!!

Hope they get to feeling better soon and that you and Ray don't come down with it.

uncaringbear said...

What kind of candy bar is that? I need to know, but I bet they don't sell it down here in Australia!

Happy Working Mom said...

I hope the girls get better really quickly and that you and Ray don't get sick!!!

I love Cold Stone Creamery!!!

Molly said...

I sorry that your kids are sick; that does not make for a Fun Monday. I like peanut butter, and I like ice cream. But, there is something about the two of them together that I do not like so you are welcome to my share.

Jennifer said...

Oh no we can walk to cold stone from here! LOL
I used to love Snickers but I don't anymore. I am hooked on dark chocolate now....I have no idea how that happened.

Wait , just read comments do I get a prize cause I know that's a twixt????? ha ha

Hope you all feel better.

irreverentmama said...

Is that a Twix bar? I love those things. Right up there with KitKat. Yum...

Beckie said...

The candy bar does look yummy!

That is too bad about the sick kids! I know it is going around like crazy here.

Take care and I hope your Monday improves!

katy said...

ice cream an peanut butter, might have to try that one!
hope your daughters are better soon

Anonymous said...

The treat sounds good but the throwing up does not! ;) I hope yor kids feel better soon.

Karina said...

OH, the stomach virus, I had it this weekend...I'm at work today, but still not feeling 100%!

I've just recently discovered my allergy to peanut butter is gone (I've had weird food allergies that come and go all my life), so now I love ALL things peanut butter.

Kaytabug said...

I love twix candy bars!!! I also Love PB and Ice cream!!

SJINCO said...

I love anything peanut butter too! Or chocolate. Or anything that's just bad for you....

Go figure!

ChrisB said...

That candy bar looks good! Hope the girls make a quick recovery :)

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Is that a Twix Bar? Yummy!! I am probably the only person that will comment today that does not like peanut butter!

Hope the girls are feeling better!

Tiggerlane said...

Is that a Mars bar? B/c I've been teased by them all day, and I CAN'T HAVE ONE!!

Jenni said...

Whenever I eat a Twix, I have to do it in sections, eating the chocolate first, then the caramel, then finishing off the cookie center.

Anonymous said...

ouch that looks yummy but my teeth are hurting;)

hope everyone is feeling better soon!!

Anonymous said...

Oh no...keep yourself heathy. Hopefully the kiddos will be well soon.

Anonymous said...

Gotta be a Twix!! That's my favorite sometimes, too! 'Cause sometimes I dig a Mars bar.

Yeah, I don't know what dictates my preference...

Pam said...

Yummy, yummy, yummy!

Anonymous said...

Stomach viruses on Fun Monday? Something about that is just WRONG!

Yummy chocolate, whether in a candy bar or in ice's A L L good :).

Hope the girls are feeling better SOON!

Anonymous said...

I love KitKats too - especially in Blizzards.

BS said...

Have you ever tried Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream - it's pretty good BUT Coldstone still has them beat.

Pamela said...

everyone I visit I want to say..OH I FORGOT THAT WAS MY FAVORITE, TOO

It could very well be my favorite is whatever I happen to be eating at the moment. I am very fond of peanut butter in most anything

Anonymous said...

Peanut butter is awesome on/with anything!!

Anonymous said...

That looks like a Twix. If it is, it's one of my favourites too.

Anonymous said...

It must be "your child is sick week" because Caleb is running a fever and sounds like he's getting a nasty cold. Great.

And now, for some reason, I want a candy bar!

la bellina mammina said...

looks yummy! I love anything with chocolate!

Unknown said...

OH TWIX! YUM!!! You're making me hungry. Looks great!

Why do I always have such a hard time figuring out how to post comments here?

Beccy said...

I'll join you for the twix but please leave the peanut butter out of the icecream!

my4kids said...

Ooh peanut butter and chocolate are one of the best combinations!