Monday, August 27, 2007

Fun Monday...

I know, I have been a bad blogger. I didn't give anyone Friday pictures. See, we did one last weekend in Myrtle and we left Thursday night. I took some fun pictures of our drive down, and then the wireless internet wasn't working, and I was just plain lazy. I will post some pics tomorrow...

On to Fun Monday, hosted by Lisa's Chaos...

"I’d like to know more about you, what makes you tick. I’d like to know how you started blogging. Did you keep a diary under lock and key safely hidden as a child? Do you still? Do you share the same things on your blog that you would have, or do, in your diary? Why did you start blogging and why do you continue? May as well throw in any roadblocks you have run into while blogging. If you still have your old diaries we’d love to see them."

I am pretty sure I have written a little bit about this before. I started as a way to keep my family in touch with us since we relocated to North Carolina a little over a year ago. I wanted them to be able to read the stories and see pictures of the girls. My extremely internet saavy brother told me to start a blog and gave me an example to follow, Dooce. I used her site to find other bloggers more like me and that I enjoyed reading and the rest is history. I love using this as an outlet to write and I especially love it to find help when I have issues or questions about my children. And believe me, after Ashley was possessed by the devil on Saturday night, I am totally going to lean on you guys to help me out.

I did keep a diary as a kid, and I am pretty sure I no longer have it. And for now, this is my diary. I may not share all my deep dark secrets (like how I have seen Clay Aiken in concert three times), but I pretty much tell all the embarrassing or funny stuff that happens to me. And I can only hope you guys can laugh with me too.


CPA Mom said...

I always laugh (and cry) with you! I love the friends I've made through blogging.

Anonymous said...

You always make me laugh or cry or dance around the kitchen in happiness!!

Beccy said...

I love reading your blog and am dying to hear more about Ashley being possessed by the devil!

Beckie said...

Clay Aiken in concert three times. My daughter would be envious!

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Ooooh, I can't wait to hear the story about Ashley since I have children that have demonic tendancies.

I always laugh with you. And sometimes even cry!

Anonymous said...

3 times? totally jelouse

I don't tell all my deep dark secrets either.. but my family loves seein pics of the girls;)

Unknown said...

Possessed by the devil? where's that post? Gotta read that one for sure!

Anonymous said...

It can't be any more embarrassing than admitting your "bathroom idiosyncrasies" on the world wide web!

Bloggers were surprised I had blogged for over a year and a half before I knew who Dooce was. Go figure.

It is good to laugh WITH (and sometimes "at") our blogging friends, yes?

ChrisB said...

I had to google Clay Aiken!!
You started your blog for much the same reasons that I did but it has now become my daily uplift (sometimes sorrow). Blogging pals share so much and are really caring and supportive. We are all intrigued about the 'devil and Ashley' but I guess that might be tomorrow's post!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes - we only laugh because most of us have been in that situation too! That is why blogging is so great - you quickly find out that "you are not alone"!!!!

Julie said...

Clay Aiken 3 times? A closet Claymate you are huh?

Anonymous said...

Dooce seem to have been the starting point for so many, including me. I'm with Beccy, bring on the head spinning, projective vomiting Ashley story!

Robocop said...

It looks like many people are using blogging as a family device. This is an idea I can possibly use when my whole family gets into it.

SJINCO said...

Clay Aiken? 3 times? Really?

I've been friends with you forever it seems, through thick and thin right?

Keep on blogging, you were the inspiration that made me start mine!

Molly said...

Ashley was possessed by the Devil on Saturday night? OH,NO...

Anonymous said...

*cough* Dork *cough*

Sorry, I have a terrible cold. So you have seen Clay Aiken 3 times, huh? Tee hee hee, you know I am kidding right? (Well, sorta)

As you know, you are THE reason I exist in the blogging world, without reading your blog, I wouldn't have been inspired to make my own. Cheers to online diaries and to the excorcism of Ashley!

la bellina mammina said...

I love reading about you and your kids... as Kellie wrote, you either make me laugh or dance around anywhere in happiness! ;-)

Pamela said...

so many people mention dooce ... and I've never read that blog.

possessed by Clay Aiken.. whaaaa??


my4kids said...

I really missed a good fun monday post on this! I wish my internet had been back!